Hey there and welcome back to my blog post today I’m going to talk about our most recent humanities unit. For this unit we learned about the confederation of Canada and how all the colonies joined together.
The first Milestone that we did was that we had to read a textbook exert about the consequences to joining confederation and to not joining confederation. Then we wrote an essay about what led to confederation using the knowledge we received from this textbook and from past knowledge.
Then we got into groups of 4 or 5, each group was given a colony. My group was Kaden, Gabe, Ally, Grace and me and our colony was Nova Scotia. I was super excited since Nova Scotia is a beautiful province. Once in our groups we were given our second milestone, we had to research the pros and cons to joining and not joining confederation in the point of view of Nova Scotia.
After researching all this and more we were assigned our 3rd milestone, for this milestone we needed to create proposals that would give Nova Scotia benefits and also give the other colonies benefits.
Milestone 4 was that we had to start creating our commercial to promote our proposals to the rest of our class. This was a lot of fun to creat the script and with coming up with fun ideas. But it was also challenging to get the bass and pull together an entire commercial and what we wanted it to look like.
Milestone 5 was the second to last milestone and it was for sure the best part. This was the creation stage of our commercial, where we got to film edit and publish our commercial, for this commercial we used a green screen and tried our best to interact with the moving picture behind us. Our video turned out great.
To Finnish this project we were to listen to everyone’s proposals and sign the bill. In our class only one colony signed but in history 4 did end up signing and the rest followed.
Now as I reflect on this project I mainly see 2 competencies, evidence and create. In this project we had to research a lot to be able to actually make reasonable proposals, we also had to create a commercial using our skills and strategies.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Peace ✌️