
Hi and welcome to my TPOL presentation. Before I started to work on my T-Pols I decided to look back at my goal moving forward from my M-Pols, “Reflect back to the competencies that are required in a project, apply them to my work and represent them in my own words on my learning portfolio.” I said I was going to achieve this by “focusing on how to apply the competencies to the work before I start on an assignment or project and while doing that put them in my own words to better understand them” I have found that I haven’t quite succeeded on my goal but I’m quite close to getting into that habit, I hope that I can keep improving on this goal.

In my past Tpol I explained that I was having some trouble with writing my thoughts down and expanding on them, I have found that I have improved quite a bit with the help of writing more blog posts and writing for assignments. I feel that the best way to improve is to write more and more to get into the habit of writing. I find that saying what i want to write as I write it allows me to hear what it is to make sure it not only makes sense but is what I have in my head. I think that I have not fully succeeded at writing but am close to getting in a good writing pattern.

I have really enjoyed this year because I got to learn more about subjects I have always wanted to know more about, I have always known briefly about WW2 but never really knew about WW1. I was excited to start on our Great War project and enjoyed every bit of it, I got to learn about my great great grandfather and his role in WW1 as well as the role of animals. Another subject I have wanted to learn more about is reproduction due to my mom being a labor and delivery nurse, my mom has explained a couple things about it though I have always wanted to expand my knowledge on the topic.





I feel that I am ready to move on to grade 10 because I have learned many new skills, gained good habits and lost bad ones, and have completed a couple of goals. I’m ready to apply these skills, habits and create new goals for next year, I’m also overall excited to hopefully go back to school September and hope to be able to return to a busy and strict schedule.

Thank you so much for listening and I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.

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