Revolution unit

Welcome back to another blog post. Today I will be leading you through our latest unit about revolutions through the ages. I’m going to be talking about the 4 curricular competencies that affected this unit, and which revolution video we did I think best represents it.

Cause and Consequence: I can assess how conditions and actions of individuals affect events, decisions, or developments

I think that the revolution where I most focused on this competency was the French Revolution. The reason why I think this is because for this video my group and I focused for on all the consequences and causes of this revolution to better understand the subject and how to get the right point of view.

Evidence: I can assess the justification for competing historical accounts after checking out various sources and investigating the reliability of sources.

I think that the revolution video that best fits this competency would be our American Revolution. I think this because the video type we did was a history summary type video were you get an overall summary of the Revolution. We used a ton of sites for our research and evidence.

Create and Extend Shared Understanding: I have exchanged ideas and viewpoints within my group and the class, to build shared understanding and extend my thinking about this project and the video making process.

For this competency the video that I think best suits it would be our Russian Revolution video. We worked really hard on this video and also included lots of props since we were doing an act it out video.we also collaborated and communicated better on this video than prior videos.

Text Comprehension and Appreciation Strategies: I have applied appropriate strategies to comprehend written, oral, and visual texts to extend my thinking and appreciate how different features, forms and genres of text reflect different purposes, audiences, and messages

The video that best represents this is the final video we did which was a redo of our French Revolution. The reason why I think this is because we researched more information about this revolution and used our strategies to collaborate and exchange thoughts on what to get done.

In conclusion I really enjoyed this unit and would love to do something similar in the future.

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