Amazing Totally Awesome Ads Of Amazingly Awesomeness

So we just did a project where we had to make three ads of our choice using an app called Canva. The only catch was that we had to do one advocacy ad, one  business ad, and one natural landscape ad.

My advocacy ad was made to tell people not to buy pet hermit cerabs. I started off feeling confident about what I did. I shouldn’t have been. I mean it was horrendous! Thanks to the critique, I realized it had copyrighted pictures, it had text all over the place, and the font was messy and hard to read. So I changed it. It was still terrible but it was better though it had an ugly depressing background. I scraped it and started again. I made the background look happier, added a piece of cute copyright free clip art, made the font match, and added a hashtag. It was so much better.

My business ad was on Depoe Bay Whale Watching Center. The first draft wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good. It was “meh”. It had too much text and it was too blue. After the  critique from the teachers, I changed it to have almost no text and it looked much better. I then played around with the pictures and it looked even better.

Finally, I did my landscape poster. This poster was terrible to start with because it had text everywhere and the picture layout was cluttered. I scraped that style for one which I soon found out was worse. I then changed from using the Canva to the Comic Life App. After I was done, one of my teachers said: ” it didn’t go up or down in quality. It amazingly went sideways.”. So I changed it again but my downfall this time was that my friend James, to quote my teacher, “looked like he was going to barf” in the picture. So my other friend Ryan gave me a picture almost exactly the same but without James in it and it was much better. This poster isn’t my best but it sill has a place in my heart.

If I did this project again, I think I would start off by trying to express the poster using images instead of text. I think I would also be more careful to use pictures that weren’t Copywritten.

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