Learning About The Renaissance

We have been studying the Renaissance in class. Why I don’t know. It’s just one of those things that will only help us in life if we end up being a teacher. Well I am here to make this work a lot easier for you.

I have created a collection of pretty pictures that summarizes how the Renaissance effected the western world view. I even have a key that shows what each picture means.


But because this is also a school project I have to show you how I made it. But don’t worry, in the interest of keeping you entertained I’m going to go through it in point form.

First: we where given the task of finding an artist, a scientist, and a scholar from the Renaissance.

Second: we had to research each of these men (most of them where men anyway).

Third: we had to make a Ven Diagram to discribe the similarities and differences.

Forth: we had to make the poster you see above.

Ven Diagram
Ven Diagram


know I promised you a key (to  decipher all of those pretty pictures meanings) and here it is. I’m also going to put another picture of the poster in so you don’t have to scroll all the way to the top.


(TOP LEFT) Knowledge is more powerful than brute strength.
(TOP MIDDLE) The majority of people in the renaissance followed the Roman Catholic Church as do a wide number of people today.
(TOP RIGHT) In the renaissance males where considered superior and that thought is sadly still held today.
(TOP MIDDLE) In the renaissance people who study alchemy stopped being considered witches and that thought is luckily still held today.
(BOTTOM MIDDLE) People no longer must stay in the social class they where born into.
(BOTTOM) You no longer must be either the bottom or the top in the class system. You can now be the middle class.


Now there you are. An easy way to learn about the Renaissance. I will also attach a link to a video I found really helpful wile learning about this.

This is the cool video.

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