Ow, My Face

During summer break I dicided to take a bmx course. I took this course through UBC Summer Camps and I have to say it was one of the greatest camps […]

This is my blog post for my Student Led Conference or SLC. This SLC shows my work from the year. This is work that I am either  proud of or […]

If you have waterfront property, your property line extends to the natural boundary of a lake, river, stream, or coastal water. This boundary is usually represented by the high water […]

Safety guidelines for drones were updated in October 2014 for both hobbyists and businesses. Drones weighing 35 kilograms or less can fly without authorization, but operators must conform to Canadian […]

English Property Law stated that “the owner of a parcel of land owns everything up to the sky and down to the centre of the earth”. Because of this old […]