Gorgeous Green Flames

Grade 9 sience is a blast. You learn about electricity, states of matter, chemistry, and most importantly how to set stuff on fire.

We recently finished a science lab in chemistry. In this lab we transformed aluminum into copper. This may not be as cool as turning stone to gold but it’s a start.

To create this mystic copper we combined CuCl2 with aluminum (Al).

When combined, the Aluminum (Al) replaces the Copper (Cl) to create AlCl.

We then took the leftover copper and set it on fire to proveĀ it copper. Because it was copper, the fire turned bright green, hence the title of the post.


This is was a very interesting experiment and I’d highly recommend any grade nine science teachers reading this to try it with their students.

if your wondering what the “Gorgeous Green Flames” looked like, please watch the video below.

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