Three Tremendous Goals

Well I’m back world and its great to be here.

So far in my Planing class we have been working on developing SMART goals. “What makes these goals so smart?” You may ask. Did they go to Harvard? I don’t think so. Did they cure the common cold? I doubt it.

The real reason why these goals are smart is because they where created with the SMART system. The SMART system is a way of creating goals that are;






After we learnt about SMART goals and how to make them we were asked to create our own. To give you an example of some SMART goals and what they should look like, I have made three SMART goals down below.

SMART Goal #1: When a lecture includes repeated information (ie: directions for safety in the lab or information about a project) I will not loose focus. If I recognize that my attention is waning – at that time I will double check to make sure I am taking good notes. I will check-in with myself to make sure I am truly understanding what the teacher is saying and I will make an extra effort to take part in the class discussions (be more engaged). I will know that my focus has increased when I understand the lecture completely and there is less times when I am asking classmates about information that has already been given no comment is made about my focus during a TPOL.

SMART Goal #2: When I start a next-draft of a project, I will read and then re-read the feedback I received for that draft, immediately upon receiving it, as well as during and after the project. I will compare each draft against the feedback given and make changes immediately upon realizing I have failed to incorporate a teacher’s feedback. When I start a new project that is similar to a previous project, I will again reflect on the feedback I received in the previous project so that I ensure I incorporate it in the new project. I will know that I am being successful when the critique I receive does not include the same feedback as from previous drafts.

SMART Goal #3:In term one, when I get home each day, I will immediately check Showbie for assignments. I will start my homework as soon as I get home, on the day the homework is assigned. For assignments that are due the next day, I will complete the assignment BEFORE I watch TV or go on my phone. For more complex assignments, I will complete the assignment at least one day before the deadline date so that if I have questions about the assignment, I’ll have enough time to ask my teachers before the due date arrives. I will know I have been successful when I am not up until midnight doing assignments, when I don’t have to contact my teachers or classmates at the last minute with questions about the assignments and when I feel more confident about my assignments, once I submit them (I am not worried that I had to “guess” at what was required).

These where all school related but you can make SMART goals for anything.

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