Tantalizing Trigonometry

Ok everyone, its time to crack open your grade ten math books and relive the good old days of not paying rent because this post is going to be about TRIGONOMETRY!!!



For the past few months we have been working on our trigonometry unit for math 10. We’ve covered all the basics like; how to find the side lengths of triangles, how to find the angles of different triangle corners, and how to apply it to every day life. You know, like when you want to measure buildings. I actually really enjoy doing math and I found trigonometry to be really fun to do.

In case you forgot how trigonometry works or you’ve just never learnt it to begin with, I have a video below to demonstrate how it works.


Now as you know we can’t let our knowledge go to waste so we did a project on trigonometry.

Our goal was to design a solar panel optimal for a certain day, at a certain place. We then had to build a model of our panel as well as a write-up about how and why it’s  optimal for the location and day.

I started first by finding the sun’s angle on my chosen location and day (40° n 120° w, Florida, December 21-22). Once I had my angle (63.5°) and my chosen solar panel surface area (114mm) I created my model.

I went through two drafts for my write-up. Unfortunately I did not save the first draft, but below is the second draft and the critique used to create it.

This was a fun project that really tested my knowledge of trigonometry. I quite enjoyed this unit and I’m really excited for my next one. It’s on the golden ratio.

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