Wonderful Workplace Safety



Last year was the first year I had a real paying job. It was pretty cool. I got to experience the working world and make some pretty good cash too. The one thing I didn’t know was that there where regulations workplaces had to follow for the safety of their employees. I guarantee you that my work place broke at least three of these.

Some of these regulations are; the right to training on how to do the job, the right to safety gear necessary for the job, and the right to refuse unsafe work.

These are just a few of the regulations all work places need to follow. If you want to read the full regulations and workers laws required by all work places, you can use the link here.

So why are all these regulations in place? Well in BC, one young worker every hour is injured. Below is a video about the stories of four youth injured on the job.

When I use to work,  there were a few times when I was in an unsafe work environment. But why write about it when I can make an entertaining visual electronic media presentation. And now, presenting, Robbie’s work experience!


I hope you enjoyed the video and remember know your rights and the regulations that guide the workplace – its important!

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