Beautiful WWII Book Reviews

Recently me and my class have been learning about different aspects and perspectives of World War II such as the views from the German people and major battles like (Blitzkrieg, Operation Barbarossa, Pearl Harbour, Ect.). While we went through the timeline of the war, we learned about different countries and their acts during the war. For example, the German’s occupation of France. Another part of this unit was to read a novel focused on the perspective of a people from a specific country in WWII. We were given a list to choose from and the book I chose was  Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. It was written from the perspective of a British spy. The story focused on the British-German conflict throughout occupied France, specifically regarding British spies.

As I read the book, I became aware of new perspectives and information about WWII. For example, I was surprised to learn that the German soldiers would sometimes identify spies based on which way they looked before crossing a street. Also, I had no idea that the treatment of imprisoned spies was as brutal as it as in this story. Learning all these new pieces of information was something I enjoyed. We also wrote a book review for the book we where reading. To do this, we looked at a few other book reviews for inspiration and a guideline to base our reviews on. Below are links to both my Book Review, as well as the examples that my class used.

Book review: Ny Times

Book review: Fishing lodge memoir celebrates life at Rivers Inlet

My Review

1 Comment

  1. This is good, but you do have some minor grammatical errors that distract from the post as a whole (I.e. saying “me and my class” instead of “my class and I” in the first sentence). You may want to revise these mistakes in order to allow people to focus more on the content of the post.


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