Dazzling Dream House Surprise!

In my science class a few weeks ago, we learned about architecture and floor plans. Part of our work involved a project in which we had to design and create (i.e.: build) a dream house, as a group.

Our groups were made up of two to four people and we had to have our dream house created within the span of a couple weeks.

Our first step was to price and measure some prebuilt houses that were provided to us by our teacher. Following this exercise, we had to design and present our own dream house and we had only two classes of work time in which to do this work.

Below, are the floor plans for the dream my group designed.

Our goal for this house as to make a modern and interesting design. We made it modern by not going with the traditional practise of having the bottom floor plan look like the upstairs floor plan. We did this by adding over hangs and other ares of the house jute out over the main frame of the house.

Our design had 14 rooms and this included a living room, kitchen and Master bedroom as well as a few bedrooms. The most interesting room was the kitchen because we added a lot of space and this was the only  room in which we could design the furniture as well.

img_2389Second floor 

First floor


My groups blueprint /floor plan was pretty good and very detailed.

However, we ran into a problem because the blueprint did not transfer over to our 3D model.

I think this was because we had some challenges in designing the house so we did not have as much time as we needed to create the second floor.

Some of us thought the second floor paralleled the first floor, but it didn’t – because that was how we were making the design modern and interesting.

So we ended up with project that was not as complete and true to the blueprint as we wanted, however it was still a good looking house and we felt good about it in the end. I’d have this as my dream house so I guess mission accomplished!


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