Florida Florida Where Art Thou Florida

I just got back from Florida and it. Was. Amazing.

You may be wondering why I was at fun-in-the-sun central. Well, I was there for my classes extended field school. We were there to answer the question What Draws us To Imaginary Worlds? Personally I thought this was a bit of a vague question because it was so open ended. To answer the previously asked question, we spent four days at Disney world; one day for each park. And also we spent a day at N.A.S.A and a day at Universal Studios. Because I don’t want this post to be twelve billion paragraphs long I’m only going to focus on the highlights.

The first day we went to the most popular of all the Disney parks, The Magic Kingdom. In the Magic Kingdom was the ride that I was using to make my video. What amazing ride of awesome wonder would I use. None other than the one, the only, the amazing, Splash Mountain (link to splash mountain post at the bottom of the post). My favourite part of this park would definitely have to be hanging out with my free all day.

The next day was Universal Studios. This was a great day and I had lots of fun. Unfortunately my phone wouldn’t hold a charge so I don’t have any photos of that day. Fortunately my fabulous teachers took pictures for us and uploaded them to a google dock (fancy digital safe) for us to access.

Hollywood Tower Of Terror

Im now going to skip to my favourite day. This would definitely have to be the day we went surfing then to N.A.S.A.

A little known fact about me is that I love surfing and wile I was in Florida I actually attempted (and accomplished) a Jesus Christ. What is a Jesus Christ you may ask. Well a Jesus Christ is when you stand on the end of your board and hold your arms out in a T shape. It’s actually a very difficult surfing trick.

Lord Robert Wharton posing with the Shaka (hand gesture)

We also went to the kenady space centre where we went on some tours. While at kenady we also participated in a mock space mission. I loved this because I was the captain which means that I got to fly the orbiter. This was difficult due to the wind conditions when I was landing. Even the slightest gust sent me spyraling.

The class at Kenady Space Centre


Splash Mountain Mania

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