Ok,  the title may seem dramatic but don’t be alarmed, it was just a pun. That might sound like a weird pun, or it might not sound like a pun at all, but it will all be explained in the next paragraph so just hold on.

So, if you read the paragraph above (I hope you did) you may be confused. “Why is he mentioning lightsabers?” Well you see, we are doing a Star Wars project for school and we can do it on anything we want (queue: amazement). How this works is we need to ask a question about Star Wars and answer it with a project.

My question was: how is a lightsaber made and what is it made from?   I answered this by making a cross section of a Lightsaber and creating a slide show that gives information about the history, mechanics, design and the importance of crystals for a lightsaber – on my iPad.

This project was not critiqued as much as my other work, like my ads. This was more about my teachers seeing my self critique processes. My process was to research like mad then to take stock of the materials I have at my disposal and then create a prototype to model for the finished product. I used this process for this project.

The main parts in my lightsaber cross section where; the main housing which I created out of copper pipe, I used spark plugs as light accelorators, I used a hose adapter as an energy gate, and a piece of metal as a ditanium power cell.

I worked really hard on it and I hope my teachers, parents and fellow students like it.

Part two to come!

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