Math Is Creative?

So in our recent math unit we’ve been looking at the golden ratio. What is the golden ratio? It’s the ratio of 1:1.618033988. Now that may seem like just a bunch of numbers, because it is, but those numbers make up a perfect spiral.

So how did we show this formula in a project? Well, we were commissioned by our teacher to make a peace of art using the golden ratio or perfect spiral.

I started off by trying to make a wave with the perfect spiral (fig.1). It looked good but it just didn’t seem quite right. My next draft was a lot better (fig.2). I went for more of a pattern design. It looked really good and I liked the pattern style I went for. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the colour scheme I used. For my final draft I used the same pattern design in the last draft, the only big changes where to the colour scheme and textures of the boxes(fig.3). I went for more of a summer/fall seasonal colour scheme. I also put in a small amount of blue to really make it pop. Lastly, I made a copy of the last draft that shows how the golden ratio fits in my project (fig.4).

This was a fun project. I really enjoyed it because of how it mixed the creativity of art with the persition of math. If I where to do it again I would put in some spirals just to make it look more interesting.

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