We’ve been learning about growth and fixed mindset in school lately. Basically what growth and fixed mindsets are is what you think in your head about things that you do. A person with a growth mindset thinks “I can’t do this yet but with practice I can learn anything.while people with a fixed mindset think “I’m either good at this or I’m not.”.

We have had a bunch of assignments about growth and fixed mindsets. The first assigment was to write about things that we have growth or fixed mindsets about. Below is what I did.

For this assignment I just made a grid and filled them in. I learned that I had fixed mindsets about some things that I didn’t think about. For example picking up my dogs poo, I don’t think I can get any better at it.

What I would do differently next time, is add more things that I have fixed and growth mindsets about.

The next assignment was to write about a famous person with a growth mindset. What I did is I just looked up “famous people with a growth mindset” and I found this website with a whole list of people and why they had a growth mindset. Then I found J.K Rowling and since I like the Harry Potter series I chose her. Here is what I wrote:

“I really like the Harry Potter series. J.K Rowling is a great writer. She got her book rejected by 12 publishing houses. But she kept on looking for a publisher that would publish her book. Most of the ideas for the evil creatures in her series came from her own experiences. Making Harry an orphan and him half dying was her way of dealing with her mother’s death. During all her depression she never gave up on writing and finding a publisher who would publish her book. J.K Rowling is very inspiring to me because she is such a good writer and she has worked her way through some really hard times. All this just shows how much of a growth mindset she has. Neither rejection nor tough times made her completely quit writing the Harry Potter series.”.

What I would do differently is add some pictures because it looks very boring.

The third assignment was to watch a video and make notes only using pictures on the three most important subjects in the video.

The first drawing is supposed to show that by failing you learn. The second drawing is supposed to show that if you work hard you will learn. The third drawing is supposed to show that different copy’s aren’t failures but experiments. What I did is just draw stuff based off of what the main point of that part if the video was about. I learned that it is very important to fail because it can help with a lot of things. What I would differently next time is I would have made the second drawing more about what it actually was about.

And the last assignment was to make a “growth mindset selfie” . We had to come up with a long term goal and take a picture of ourselves and put that in the background.

The long term goal I came up with is “I will push myself to do more than the minimum”. What that means to me is that I will do more then the bare minimum on assignment

So what I did is I got a nice picture of myself and emailed it to my dad so we could get it on our computer then we put it in Photoshop and I cut out my face and neck with the brush tool and blured what was left then I put my face back in. Then we emailed that picture to me so I could open it in my iPad and I added the text using Canva. I learned how to blur a backround in Photoshop. I think I would put the text in the center of my body if I could do it again.