The Julius Caesar Body Biography project was a group project we worked on. The project was to learn more about the real people in William Shakespeare‘s play called Julius Caesar. We had to learn who they were, were and when they lived, what their historical importance was, and why they are a key in the story (play).

Shakespeare often uses real characters in his plays. In Julius Caesar the real characters are:
Julius Caesar
Marcus Brutus
Mark Antony
Octavius Caesar
Gaius Cassius Longinus

I was in a group with Kai, Alivia, Kailey, and Syrah. Our character was Gaius Cassius Longinus.

So the project was about the play named Julius Caesar, but what about the “Body Biography” part. Well, one of the thing we had to do was to get one of our group members to lie down on a piece of paper. Another person would trace the persons body onto the piece on paper. We cut out the body and pretended that it was actually our character. An adult would have been the size of a13 year old in those day.

We had to draw and glue on a lot of things that would help us understand that who they were, were and when they lived, what their historical importance was, and why they are a key in the story. Below is the picture of the paper body we cut.We started by making a Pages document that we could all work on like a Google Doc and copy pasted in the questions that we had to answer. Then we assigned a question to each of our group members to research. After we had all the information we needed, we cut out our body and drew things on it based our research. The things we added to our cut-out body shape are:

-He shushes as indication he lead the conspiracy against Julius Caesar

-A sword having been a soldier

-Telescopes and glasses in his brain because he was a philosopher.

-The shield and shoulder pads represents that he was in the army.-A baby because he had a child.

-the mega phone on his shield represents that he was telling people what to do.-roads on his legs and the waves represent that he traveled a lot.

-A burning ship to represent him burning down part of Julius Caesar’s fleet.

-The coin represents that he had a coin with his face on it.

-And last, the trees are just for extra decoration.At the end each group had to give a presentation about their character to everybody. This way we all learned about all the real characters in the play. And combined they give the story of life in Rome in Julius Caesar’s time. Below is the presentation our group did about Gaius Cassius Longinus.

It was an early morning in Rome on October 3, 85 BC when Gaius Cassius Longinus was seeing the first glimpse of what would be the Roman Empire.

Gaius Cassius was son of Marcus Junius Brutus Maior and Servilia and he was the brother of Marcus Junius Brutus the younger.
Early life
People did not know a lot about Gaius but there were still tales of him.

At an early age, his father was killed by Pompey the Great after he had taken part in the rebellion of Lepidus.

His mother was the half-sister of Cato the Younger, and later Julius Caesar’s mistress.

Gaius Cassius studied philosophy at Rhodes under Archelaus and he became quite fluent in Greek.
Gaius Cassius was seen to be a passion filled-man and was one of the first people to plot Caesars demise.

Though he had a family with a beautiful baby boy, at the end of his life he was depressed.
Facts From The Poster
The reason we put the brain as a key highlight was because he was a very intelligent man that was seen as a philosopher.

The body position was a big part of this project because it portrays his attitude.

We had him shushing because even though he was a warrior he was always quietly scheming.

Roads can be seen on his legs because he was a warrior that traveled all around the known world 🌎 .

Gaius Cassius was a Roman senator and had his face on many different things like the Roman coin.

One of the most important things in the story of Gaius is his goal of killing Caesar which he fulfills later in his life.
Fun facts
Gaius was an amazing speaker who could project his voice across Rome.

Gaius can now be seen in many tv shows, movies, books and plays.

Gaius Cassius was depressed and had someone kill him, ending his life and his story.”

I learned a lot doing the Julius Caesar Body Biography project. I learned about Gaius Cassius and how he was very important to Rome and the play because he was one of the most important conspirators plotting to kill Julius Caesar.

I also learned that working in a team of 5 people makes it easier to do a project, because everybody can do a little bit. However it does require more coordination for the presentation. We ended up repeating some things during our presentation. If I could do this again and do some thing differently I would make a plan so we have some time to actually practice our presentation.