Anyone can create change. Even a person from the Renaissance with limited tools compared to what we have today. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy on April 15th 1459 and died on may 5th 1519.
He was interested in invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He started out as an apprentice of an artist named Verrocchio. At age twenty he became a master and started making his own paintings.
Because he got hired by such influential like the pope, he became an influential person himself. He was at the meeting of King Francis I and Pope Leo X.
Besides commissioned paintings, architecture, and military advice, he also made blue prints for a lot of machines, such as a helicopter, and tank. Some machines he build, some are just blue prints or were build centuries later.
Some people thought he was crazy and that his ideas were impossible. I think people thought he had a screw loose because he was so smart and came up with very controversial things.
If I could ask Leonardo da Vinci one question I would ask how he came up with his inventions, because they are very cool and also very advanced for his time.
In summary Leonardo da Vinci was very skilled in many different areas. His work not only influenced the people when he lived, but even far after he died.
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