We did a Star Wars exhibition the day before the release of the new Star Wars movie because of the new movie about the new movie. Basically we had to come up with an inquiry question that we had to answer with our project. My inquiry question was “What is the closest thing to a lightsaber in real life that has a blade that emits light?”

I compared three different things a Ultrasabres Sabres (Ultrasabers is the company that makes them), Alens burning light sabre, and a 7 watt laser. In the end I decided that Allen’s burning lightsaber was the closest recreation. Here’s a picture of my project:

That light sabre there is mine, I got it for this project. It’s actually made by Ultrasabres. I also 3D priented that little light sabre in front of the board, just put a glow stick in the end for the blade.

Overall I think this was a very fun project because it was Star Wars related, and because I got to watch some of the movies fro home work.