Recently in math we’ve been learning about like terms. Like terms are different numbers that can be added together because they have the same variable and exponent on that variable. For example 3x and 5x are like terms because they both have an x with no variable. However 4x and 2x^2 aren’t like terms because there is and exponent of 2 on the 2x. If you want a more in-depth explanation click here.

So now that you know what like terms are I can explain the project to you. We had to come up with a driving question relating to like terms. Then we had to create a project answering our question. You also had to present you project in front of the class.This project was very broad, you could literally do anything you wanted, as long as it was related to like terms. Also here where some of the criteria:

I added the yogurt bit


What I decided to was to find a way to represent like terms with food. I decided to make a video because then I wouldn’t have to say much when I presented it to the class. For the “representing like terms with food” part I just decided to take a few different snacks and assign them different things, such as a one or and x. Then if you put together five ones you would get five, then you give that a variable like y and add say 4 exponents pieces to get to the power of 4, and there you have it a term (this one would be 5y^4). Then you put multiple terms to get her to make a polynomial. So I did that multiple time while recording it to make the video. Here it is:

So after I presented my project my trecher gave me mostly goods on the rubric. Overal I think I did pretty goood and it was fun.