In school we’ve been learning about World War One and how it started and all the different battles and stuff, like Vimy ridge. So of course with every thing we learn about we have to make a project relating to it. For this unit we had to make a comic book.

Now it wasn’t really a comic book, more in a comic book style. So here’s the format: the first page is an intro to what your chapter is going to be about, this page is just wait with one big photo, the next 2-4 pages are the pages with all the information about your project, these pages are in the comic book style, and the last page is the story page, this one is also in your comic book style and is about a person that is related to your topic and their story.

So what I decide to make mine about is trenches, more specifically tools used in trenches and tools used to make trenches. The tools I chose are the entrenching tool, wich is like a collapsable shovel, the trench knife, which was a knife with a brass knuckle integrated into the handle, and the trench club, which was a sort of club made by soldiers as a weapon. If you want to read my comic I put pictures of the pages below because I don’t know how to embed the book.

After every one made their chapter the teacher put all the chapters together to make one big book, which she then sent to everyone on their iPads and printed out a copy for us to have in the classroom. After that we when down to Cove Cliff, an elementary school near us to show off our comics to a bunch of grade six and seven classes. There so many more of them then there where us so it was about three or four of them to one of us. We would be put in a group with a few people then we would rotate to a different group after about fifteen minutes. Here is a picture of me with one of my groups:

I thought this project was alright, kinda fun because I got to talk about weapons and stuff, although the presentation bit could have been a bit better because I feel like I didn’t have enough to say and show to fill the time we had in each rotating, but he latter groups I had asked more questions so it wasn’t that bad. So ya overall it was a good project.