In science we’ve been learning about reproduction (manly with plants), more specifically sexual and asexual reproduction.
sexual reproduction means one flower gets pollen from another flower to make a seed. The advantages of this are that the child flower has traits from both parents which allows for some diversity, which means they won’t all die from the same thing.
Asexual reproduction means that their is only one parent which means the child will have all the same strengths and weaknesses of the parent, so they could all be wiped out by the same thing.
we also did some cloning of dandelions (which is kinda like asexual reproduction) for a project. This project was a video that you had to make where your group is working in a lab Andy you need funds to continue your reaserch on cloning plants
heres a mind map of all the stuff we learned
Thats basically all we learned about is this unit. The dandelion cloning was cool because it sounded like it would be impossible. because cloning just sounds super futuristic and stuff but it’s actually very simple. But overall it was cool and kinda fun.
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