The goal

The goal is to kill all of the enemy’s sets before they kill yours.Whoever runs out of sets first loses and the other person wins (sets are explained later).



Sort out the character cards, weapon cards, and the special cards. Then shuffle all three decks. Then give both players 6 character cards, 6 weapon cards, and 7 special cards. Put the left over cards in the box. After that each player gets to put down one set. Then both players role the dice and whoever roles the higher number gets to start. If you both role the same number role the dice again.


Taking your turn

This game is turn based, meaning that one person takes their turn and then the other until one wins. During your turn you can either put down a set or attack an enemy’s set. To attack, you take the damage of one of your sets and take that amount from any enemy set’s heath (all damage and health shown on cards). If a set is damaged turn it to sideways to help you remember which one is damaged. If you end up with a decimal you can round it to the nearest whole number. If a set is killed the entire set gets put in the box. During a turn where you attack you can role the dice and if you role a five or a six you do double the damage on that attack. You can only attack once or put down one set during a turn.


Types of Cards

There are five types of cards, character cards, weapon cards, health boost cards, damage boost cards, and damage taken cards. The last three are subsections of special cards. You can only have one card from each of these five sections on a character card. You can still have multiple sets down at the same time.



A set is a character card that you have placed down with at least a weapon card and possibly special cards. A set has the health of its character card does, the damage of its weapon card, and both of these things can be effected by special cards.