We had a sort of practice exhibition on Wensday December 15th. Our overal topic was the environment. So what we had to do is come up with a question and then make a project to answer our question. The way we came up with a question is we thought of some things about the environment that were in a book that we read called “The highest tide”. So we came up with some ideas and then we had to brain storm off those. Then we used the results to come up with a question. At first my question was “Are there invasive micro organisms in BC and if so are they bad?”. So for all of Monday I tried to find information on invasive micro organisms but couldn’t find anything. I wish I knew it would be hard to find information on micro organisms beforehand. So I asked if I could change my question to “Are the invasive species in BC bad?”. My teacher said I could change my question. Now I had to come up with an idea for my project. At first I wanted to have a Lego map with a Lego character that you could use to explore the map to find invasive species but I thought it would be to hard to have designated spots for them to put the Lego guy and then have them figure out what is there. So I just changed it so there’s dots on the map that are color coded with information cards about the invasive species that lives there.

The first thing I did was look up information on invasive species in BC. What I had to find out is were they live in BC and if they were bad considering if they effect anything. Then I shaped that information into information card shapes.

After I typed out the info cards what I did was get a few lego base plates and got a map of BC that we made to size, split into four sections, print and cut out.

Then I used some spray glue to attach the map onto the logo baseplates.

Spraying glue

Then I spray painted everything gary and took of the paper.

Taking off the paper

Then I printed out the info cards that I had made and glued on little Lego nobs and I used the same colored nobs to put on the map so that the invasive species were color coded with were they live.

We got put into four groups for the mini exhibition based on our question. I got put in a group with Kiefer, Owen, Austin, Luca, and Alivia. Here links to there blog’s: Kiefer’s blogOwen’s blogAustin’s blogLuca’s blog, and Alivia’s blog. We had to claim a corner of the room that we had to decorate appropriately for our questions. We decorated part of our corner to make it look like an ocean because some of our group was doing ocean related things and my part of the group decorated a table with plants because some of our questions were more land based. So what we did to decide who was going to bring what we made a google doc with all the things we needed and wrote our name beside the things we could bring and for when.

I think most people liked my project or thought it was interesting. One person said that it was cool, other people didn’t say anything about it but just looked through the invasive species info cards, some people were surprised to find out that some of them were invasive, others didn’t say anything.

I’ve learned some things so far. I’ve learned that if the only thing you have to say is explaining your project then you can probably wing it, I learned how to work with a group when we’re not together, I learned that I’m faster making things then coming up with ideas to wright down, and I learned that a lot of the invasive species in canada are plants.

There are a few things I would do differently next time. I had changed my question because I couldn’t find any information, so what I would do differently next time is I would check after I picked my question to see if I could find good information on my question.