The One About The Star Wars Quiz
First blog post! Yay!
Okay, blog posts aren’t that exciting, but still. So, today we found out we’re going to do an entire unit on Star Wars! And first thing we did: do a quiz to see which character we were. And I got….
Okay, let’s break this down for my reactions.
“Tortured and disconnected from human affection“. Okay, so a lot of the time I say I don’t care, and most of the time I don’t, but it’s not that I don’t have affectation! And tortured? No way!
“You are the Empire’s most feared villain” Nope. Yes, I try to be intimidating, as being 4’8″ isn’t the most scary thing in the world, but I am not feared. Maybe by a few people, but not the Empire.
“The galaxy has been cruel to you, so you have little remorse about turning to the dark side” Back up the giant truck. The Galaxy has done nothing to me! I am a sweet innocent little child! Okay, so I might be a bit pissed off from time to time, but that doesn’t mean life is cruel! And Dark Side? Hahahahahhaha no.
“Those who doubt your power will do so at their own peril” No! I mean, if anyone doubts that I’m strong I might punch their arm…. Okay so maybe a bit.
So I guess I might be a bit like Darth Vader. But that doesn’t mean that I am evil.
Read Ya Later Alligators,