The One About The Ads
This post is about a reflection on our latest unit, on advertising. It was a fun unit, and we learnt how companies scam you into buying their products…. That sounded better in my head.
Anyways, at the end of the unit, we got to make three advertisements. Back story here: we went on a trip to Oregon for a week. Three things I learnt: US money is confusing (Obama, colour code your money). Americans have giant portions. It’s ridiculous. And third, apparently we have an accent? What does a Canadian accent sound like? I’m getting off topic
So, we had to make three advertiments based on our trip to Oregon. One ad about a natural landscape, one on a business, and one about advocacy. I tell you know, making three ads that look professional are hard. So, my first ad was on the world smallest harbour, Depoe Bay. First, we made drafts and then went to the final copy.
First draft.
Cringe. I don’t know why I thought this was good. I got totally roasted by Mrs. Willemes on this. So I totally re-did it multiple times and
Yeah. Not any better. I mean, I bit, but not very. So I completely re-did it once more for my good copy, so….
This one is my favourite if the three, hence the fact that it’s my final copy. The photos are really pretty, if I do say so myself.
Next was the business ad. This first copy…… No. Just, no
Now, I only changed one thing about the ad in the next version each draft. See if you can spot it
So, apparentally it’s flip’ good. Because it doesn’t deserve to be Flip’n. But it does actually have good food, despite the smell….. So I improved this
Yeah. So Flip’n chick’n is a good place, I really advise going there. Not only do they have buffalo wings, but also do shaved ice and deep fried pickles.
Then there was the advocacy ad. I chose to talk a it’s catch and release. Pretty much its if you’re fishing for sport, release what you catch because otherwise you’re a level 10 butt. So, I made an ad about it. Side Note: it was originally blue, then I changed it to yellow, but I lost the blue version. 🙁
So this is my ad. Originally the red text was an accident, but my friend told me it was good, so yeah.
I really liked the advertising unit. It was cool to know the different techniques used for advertising.
Read ya later alligator,