The Mini One About The King Tide
Plot Twist: This post isn’t about a project! It’s about our Science class today! We went down to beautiful Deep Cove to look at something called a King Tide.
A King Tide is pretty much the largest tide of the year. It’s so high, the people with beach front houses had water in their stairs leading to the beach:
Yeah. Sometimes it can be so extreme that it can cause floods! Luckily, ours wasn’t as extreme as the header image.
A few more pictures of it:
Thats right before we got on the dock. Artsy.
That’s some stairs, we saw a closer picture before
Okay not the best quality, but I almost dropped my iPad taking this. Appreciate it!
Okay, short post, but I guess that’s why it The Mini One About The King Tide
Read ya later alligators,
The One About Octavius Caesar
So, the other day, we started a new unit. On *drum roll*
JULIUS CAESAR! So, we’re not only learning about the Shakespeare version of him, but also the actual Roman guy. Yeah. So the first part of our unit was to do something called a Body Biography.
What this is:
It’s pretty much where you trace out someone’s body, and put symbols important to that person’s life in certain places. For instance, I love food, so in my body biography, food would go on my heart.
But, unfortunately, we didn’t do me. We did some old dude called Octavius Caesar. Yeah. He was Julius’s heir, and was a really famous military dictator. Here’s a breakdown of what we put where.
Heart: Three Rings With Icicles.
This shows that he had three broken marriages. Two of them were divorces. But even though he got married three times, his heart was cold and hungry for power.
Spine: Crown.
Normally, the spine represents someone’s backbone. And Octavuis’s backbone was his kingdom, or his empire.
Hand: Sword.
This shows that not only was he strong mentally, but also physically. How else would he have been a dictator?
Brain: Lightning Bolt.
Yes, we did purposefully put this on his forehead to reference Harry Potter. I’m a nerd. Anyways, this shows that he thought a lot about power, and gaining it.
Yeah. Body biographies! That’s all for this post
Read ya later alligators!
The One About The Star Wars Project
Back by unpopular demand: ME!!
No. I know everyone loves me. So, this post is about Star Wars! Well, our project on it. It was really cool. We had to pick a driving question, and base out project around that. But it had to be Star Wars related.
So, I love animals. So, of course, my question had to do with those things. “What Animals Were the Aliens In Star Wars Based Off Of?” Yeah, it sounds cool, right? It was! So, I worked really hard on it. I took a few select aliens, did some research on them, and tried to connect them to animals. It took a lot of editing, and I mean a lot! One of my best ones was about Gungans. You know, what Jar Jar Binks was. They’re so funny. Another good one I did was Wookies. Here it is:
Yes. So, I worked so hard on it, but then came the hard part. How was I going to present it? I thought about maybe a power point, but that would really work. The exhibit was more of a ‘walk around and see what you like’. No one had time to watch a power point! So I thought maybe a mobile? No, that would be so hard to bring in on the day, and where would I hang it? So I settled for a good old poster board.
So, it came to a few days before the exhibit. We had to design our little area to look like Tatooine. There were three things we had to have:
a) Decorations
b) Food/Drink
c) Entertainment
It proved difficult, as Tatooine is pretty much a barren landscape. But we managed. We had it seem like the bar, it was fun. We made Shirley Temples, which we called ‘Tatooine Sunsets”, and little tie fighter cookies:
It was cool. Our decorations were a table covered with black paper to look like a bar, with two stools. Then we had the two Suns, and orange paper over the lights. Our entertainment was supposed to be a Jedi Scavenger Hunt, but SOFIA forgot to hand them out! (I still hold a grudge to this day). We also dressed up, and Sofia made my hair into Princess Leia buns. Over all, it looked like this:
Yeah. Making the Tatooine Sunsets were hard! I had to bring in 8 LITERS of frozen orange juice! That’s a lot! James had to bring in eight liters of Sprite, which he only brought four of. Thank goodness Sofia brought in an emergency four liters. Phewf. Halfway through the exhibition, almost everyone had left Tatooine, and Quinn came in. He was dressed as Han Solo, and proceeded to chug anout five Shirley Temples, and acted drunk. I can officially say I got Han Solo drunk. Huh.
So, over all, the project went well! I’m really excited for when we do our larger project. It’s the same idea, but it doesn’t have to be Star Wars related this time. But I’m excited for that.
That’s for this post, so, as always
Read Ya Later, alligators!
The One About the Quilts: Part Two
Yay! You scanned the QR code on my quilt square! Or maybe you’re looking at my blog for other school work….. Or you’re bored on the Interwebs….. This got awkard
Anyways, this post is about my quilt square. If you haven’t read part one of this series, then explore my blog! Go ahead, do it.
My quilt square:
This represents Yureka and Isosceles going underground together to find the phone. I worked really hard on this, and it paid off in the end.
Here’s if you really want to go into detail:
The blue hand and the white hand holding each other represents Isocolese (the blue hand) taking Yureka (the white hand) into the underground of New York. The iPhone represents the iPhone (no duh) The colourful squats represent the upside of New York, and the bland brown represents the underground.
Working on it took about a week for me. That’s an entire week of sewing, which is eight classes, which is 10 hours and fourty minutes. I mean, we didn’t sew for four hours and forty minutes but it makes it sound dramatic. Actually, during that time, a few things that happened:
– Quinn stabbed me with a needle
– I almost sat on my quilt square and needle
– 36% of our conversations were about Star Wars
Now, Mrs. Willemes told us to take pictures. I slightly forgot, so I took one this morning. After my square was done. Ssssssh, it looks like I’m doing something, so it counts.
Yeah, we had to embroider the details into our quilts. I made sure to outline the hands, and the border. Final product….. *drum roll*:
Yay! It looks so good! But, what about the myth? Yes, I did vaguely explain what this represented, but what about the entire story, the book? Well, the entire story of my quilt goes like this:
There once was a young boy named Isosceles. He lived in a small part of New York. One day, he was walking with his girlfriend, Yureka, when he dropped his phone down the sewers. “Oh no!” Isosceles exclaimed, looking down at the grate which his phone had fallen down. Yureka sighed. “Come, Isosceles. We can go find your phone….” Yureka said, taking his and, and crawling down into the dark underground of New York….
So there you have it! The amazing quilt square unit, that took two blog posts! Yay!
Read ya later, alligators
The One About The Quilts: Part One
So, this is a two-part post! Yay. The unit that we’ve just come to finish is about…… *drum roll* quilts.
I know what you’re thinking. “What? What kind of unit would have to do with quilts?” Well, surprisingly, it’s a Mythology unit.
Here’s the thing. In the olden days, before they had books (I don’t know how they lived through boredom) there were drawings to tell stories. Some were more literal, for example:
See, is clearly Obama showing stuff about hope. But, this unit wasn’t about that. Our quilts are telling a story. See, we had to make an entire civilization. We is my group. There’s Sofia:
(I don’t know why this is upside down)
And William:
We made a civilization called the Yurekians. They’re an underground civilization .I could either spend hours typing it out, or just show you the Who What Where When Why:
So yeah. It’s pretty much about these two kids, Isosceles and Yureka, who go to the underground the find Isosceles’ phone, and get lost. There’s a giant earthquake, and Isosceles, Yureka, and some people who went looking for them get trapped undergoing. They slowly go insane and start a civilisation. But if you want a small summary, here’s what out squares look like, here’s the graph of that:
To get a more thorough look, you’re gonna need to look at part two.
But I really liked the project. It was fun thinking up out own myths, and learning about Roman and Greek myths. And learning how to sew was fun, besides the fact that Quinn stabbed me in the thigh with a needle
So, see ya in part two!
Read ya later, alligator