Also known as The One About Salad!


Because it’s about Caesar

Caesar Salad


Okay, so I’m not funny. Anyways, we did a unit on good ol’ Julius Caesar, as you know from earlier blog posts. Clickety Click Click Here

So, we did a lot of expansion on that unit. A lot. We actually read through the entire play, on a fabulous app called SIB Caesar.

I just found out that SIB sounds for Shakespeare in Bits (I totally thought it was Shakespeare in Boots and my mind…)


He looks good in boots.

Willa: He should have been a drag queen. But only for shoes, because everyone dressed like a girl back then anyways.

I’m getting way off topic. The point is that we did a Caesar unit, and went through the entire play on the app Caesar in Boots. Bits.

For each act of the play {there were five acts in total} we had to write response questions, and do a paragraph. Which I totally did not leave until the last minute…


At the end of the unit, we had a performance to do. One of the scenes from the play. So of course, my group (Sam Scheewe (I think this is how you spell his name)Spencer, and Willa) chose the scene with death. Not the scene where Caesar gets stabbed. The one where Brutus kills himself.

So, we were fine. “Yeah. We can do this”. But then a bomb was dropped on us. We had to change the script to modern language and remake the entire scene to make it modern.


Yeah. We had to figure out a new setting, which was hard. So us, being us, decided “Hey! Let’s be gangsters”. Because I can be gangster.

We re-wrote out play, and re made the characters. The final script looks somewhat like this right here


Then we had to preform it. First time went okay. We practiced, we had our scripts, we were fine. Then came The Actual Preformance. Oh god. We would have done it in the theatre on the Friday that everyone else was ther, but no. Sam was away, so we did it first thing on Monday, when we weren’t prepared, in the classroom. It failed. So bad.

But over all I learnt a lot from this unit, about Shakespeare and Caeser, and the Romans. Well, that’s all for how

Read ya later,
