Not much. So, after spending literally all weekend in bed, it’s time for another blog post! And what am I writing about now, that the excitement of the Metaphor Machines is over? Drum roll please….
We’re making superheroes! Seriously, it’s awesome. So, the premise of the project is to take an element, and study it, than find out what superpowers it would have. For example, Hydrogen would probably fly as it’s a gas and its lighter than air. Pretty cool, right? Yeah
So, we got to choose an element. We were o
But the only cool thing about bismuth is that it’s used in Pepto Bismol. Not a very exciting super power
“I am Bimuth Man. I can cure your stomach aches!”
So we went with something else. Bromine. Bromine [Br on the periodic table] can be a solid, liquid, or gas. It’s pretty cool, and a really nice colour.
So, we had to first off learn a bit about our group. My group consists of Willa, Alex, and Aiden. And…. we all like Ramen. You can’t judge me here, ramen is the source of life okay? And one of my favourite bands, Fall Out Boy, have a record company called Fueled By Ramen. So, of course…. that’s the name of our group. We have a group patch, which looks like this:
I designed and drew it, and I’m proud of it. So, the next step was learning more about the periodic table. What did we have to do? Make a poster about it.
It looks nice, I think. We have all of the periodic table, plus information on two other elements, Bismuth and Bromine.
Keep in mind, this is only a half way check in on our project, so I will keep you updated in the next science post! Until then
Read ya later