I’ll give you a hint: it’s not Shady. It’s me, your friendly neighbourhood blogger

So, we’re back into school. Which means more posts! This one in particular is about goal setting. No, not soccer. I don’t sport. This is about setting goals for your future. More specifically, SMART goals.

Now, a SMART goal is a goal that is a bit more specific than regular goals. SMART is actually an acronym, that stands for






Thats what makes up a SMART goal.

The next step in this was to make three SMART goals for myself. One that had to do with learning inside of school, one about character growth, and one about learning outside of school. Doing this involved writing it out, creating a visual for each, and then also recording our voice saying it.

Ive got the small issue of ‘I’m sick’ going on, so I can’t really speak right now. I will try and get the audio recordings up here as soon as possible. Until then, you’ll just have to do more reading. That’s fine, reading makes you smart.

In School Learning:

I would like to hand my work in on time for school, so that I don’t have late assignments. I can do this by setting aside time after school to do my homework, while also giving myself breaks so I don’t overwork myself too much. If the assignment is over a few days, I can set checkpoints of what I can do each day to make sure I get the work done on time.

Character Growth:

I’d like to be able to take leadership more and be confident in my work. I can do this by putting more effort into my work, and putting my own personal touch to it so I enjoy doing it and I feel more confident in the final product.

Out Of School Learning:

I’d like to expand my knowledge of cooking outside of school, so that I can help make dinner at home and generally know how to cook. I can use the recipes I get in my foods class, as well as look up recipes online, and help to make dinner once a week at home.

So that’s all for this post! I hope this helped you in some way, and maybe you can get on the path to make your own SMART goals.

Read Ya Later

Sincerely, Me