I’m back! This time, with graphs! We did a math unit on graphing linear equations. We got to look at three different cellphone plans and graph out what’s going to be the cheapest if you go over on data and over on call minutes.
Let’s start with the basics:
So, upfront, it looks like PC Mobile is the most expensive, and Freedom is the cheapest. This is where a lot of people mess up with cell phone plans, because they don’t look into overage costs (Which surprisingly doesn’t mean you get charged if you’re over 18). Because, let’s take a look at the cost for going over on call minutes:
Freedom stays cheap, yeah. But Koodo quickly becomes expensive if you go over 12 minutes of talk time. This is why you get unlimited call and text, people. This is why!
Heres another thing: data. So many people use to to quickly google that one word, or look up Tom Hardy’s instagram. But it’s so easy to go over on data and the companies sneak in those extra costs:
Freedom doesn’t have any data, as shown. But if you’re on Koodo, those charges are piling up quickly, despite starting out cheaper. So, let this be a lesson: READ THE FINE PRINT ON YOUR CELL PHONE PLANS!
All in all, if you use data, probabky go with PC Mobile. If you don’t, Freedom is fairly cheap!
As always, I worked with the Wonderful Willa on this. I hope you learned a bit about graphs and stuff!
Read you later!
Sincerely, Me