Alike In Dignity – TWIL January 6th – 13th

Alike in Dignity – TWIL

For my first TWIL (this week I learned) I wanted to expand on one of the anticipation guide statements. All of the statements on that list aren’t super straight forward or simple so choosing one was a little difficult, but I chose “Teenagers should not always respect their parents wishes.” I chose this because as a teenager, I think my perspective on this topic would be the most valuable.

I agree with the statement. This is because parenting is hard, everyone does it differently, and some people who are supposed to be the most helpful in a child’s life are neglecting. There is a lot of possibility for good parents, who’s wishes will be what’s good for a teenager, even if their child doesn’t agree. But with the other possibility of uncaring or even abusive parents, I will always agree with this statement. Parents are older than us, and sometimes wiser, but the key word is sometimes. A teenagers dreams could be crushed by a parent thinking they’re “doing the responsible thing” when really, they’re just holding their kid back from accomplishing incredible feats, or even just from being happy.

Parenting mind map

after deciding that I agree to this statement, I drew out a mind map of what I perceived as good and bad parenting and above is the link to that.