My Take On: Alike In Dignity Shakespeare Project

My Take On: Alike in Dignity Shakespeare Project


So, first of all, I did this project a little differently. My outcome was not the same as any of my classmates for a couple different reasons… Let me just take you through it.

We were introduced to this project by first learning about who Shakespeare was, and why we learn about him in school. After grasping an idea of these concepts we had to write a paragraph with the prompt “Why Shakespeare?” This paragraph outlined why we thought Shakespeare’s works were still relevant when they were created so long ago. Here is my paragraph.

Analysis Paragraph – Why Shakespeare?

Next Ms.Willemse explained what out final product of this project would be. Each of us were going to be writing and performing parodies of a scene from the infamous Romeo and Juliet. This scared me yo say the least. Writing? Great. Romeo and Juliet? Great. Performing in front of people? Not so much. I was worried about this but didn’t voice my concern and that’s where the project began to go downhill for me.

I had a family vacation planned to Mexico and found out I would be away for majority of the project. The class was scheduled to preform right before I got back so I thought I could maybe get away with just not preforming. Didn’t work so well. The class was behind on their schedule so when I got home they hadn’t preformed yet. This made me nervous and I wasn’t sure what to do. I started missing classes until the performance and then missed that class as well. I later found out this was a bigger deal than I thought, as the performance of Romeo and Juliet was a joint effort and without me the story was missing a part. This is why my project is so different. I did not complete anything to do with the parody. 

My project revolves around an essay I wrote about who the protagonist and antagonist are in Romeo and Juliet. I started planning this essay by figuring out who I thought fit each part, and then finding evidence of this such as reasons and quotes to go with them. Below is my notes from this.

Essay notes

Once I had this I was ready to write my essay. I work better if I write in small pieces so I wrote a paragraph of the essay each day, until I was finished. Some of the paragraphs came out longer than I expected but I wanted to make sure to include everything necessary to get my point across. So, here is my essay 🙂

Literary Analysis Essay – Romeo And Juliet, Defining The Protagonist.

To finish of this reflection, I enjoyed writing this essay more than I expected. It now feels as if I know the characters a lot better. I also enjoyed getting more into the story of Romeo and Juliet, and understanding why Shakespeare wrote it how he did. Thank you for reading!