So recently in Maker Time, we worked on the 2nd unit of our Planning course. The 1st unit was based around goal setting, you can read my blog post on it here. Anyways this unit was based around Worker Safety. What that means is how to not get hurt while at work and ruining your life.

We started out by taking a small quiz about how much training we each got on our jobs, if you had one that is. We then watched a 20 minute video on real life experiences with people getting badly injured at work. It showed teens who had been pretty new to their job and hadn’t gotten the correct training. They each had very bad injuries including being paralyzed, losing fingers, losing a leg, etc. The last part of stage 1 involved watching a short video on how a company keeps their young workers safe.

To start stage 2 off we had to look through some of Work Safe Bc’s safety regulations, and answer questions on them. We then learnt the proper way to say no to doing something we believed to be unsafe. We were all a bit disappointed that it turned iota not to be just walk out. the last thing we had to do before working on this post was to read more on workplace hazards. Each section was on a different type of hazard to us.

Finally we started work on creating a visual for this post. We had top make something that represented what we had learned. It could be an advertisement or really anything visual. I decided to make an advertisement for Work Safe BC.


























At the bottom I used the official Work Safe BC logo and then continued the pattern over with the black on the right side. I also then copied that and turned it into the header.

In conclusion I now know a lot more about what can go wrong while working. To be honest I really didn’t know much if not anything about work place safety prior to this unit. But now I know how to stay safe at work.