Fun Photos

Most people do not know they are copyrighting pictures when they take it off of google but most of the time they are. just because it is on google does not mean you can just take it for your own use. Some people put there pictures on the internet for other peoples use but some people put it on the internet just for people to appreciate and show there work to the world. If you need a picture but don’t want to copyright there are some things you can do

Use Pixabay

Change usage rights in google images

Take your own picture

Make your own picture (draw or use digital apps) use Creative Commons

This is a photo that i took in Oregon on a field study with my class. I took this picture at Beverly beach state park it was a beautiful beach probably one of my favourite stops on the trip. It had an amazing sunset with soft sand and clear water and i had a lot of fun with my friends.



My Guessing Game

  • In this slide show I am using pictures that I have taken in really pretty areas that I have been.

4 thoughts on “Fun Photos

  1. Hi Ryan. Very interesting post. The information is very useful. The pictures are great. That is a very clever way to have the information expand when the visitor clicks on the title. Are you interested in computers and web development? Ms.T

    1. Hi Ms. Taylor
      Thank you very much I do love doing things on technology but I am not very good at fixing problems, most of the time I need help from somebody who knows computers well.

  2. Hi Ryan,

    What a creative and interesting post! I loved how you set up each section. Your explanation of copyright-free pictures is very clear. I also like to use pictures that I have taken for blog posts. I loved how you used photos to get readers to guess your favourite hobby. Did you say “I love to bake ” in pictures? Your whole post captured this reader’s attention. 🙂

    Keep up the great work!
    Mrs. Bennett

    1. Hello Mrs. Bennett
      Thank you very much for all the nice comments on my blog. Yes the answer to the guessing game is I love to bake.

      Happy blogging

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