Hello people, I have a new blog post for you to read. Along with the other projects I just finished I completed one called believe in good. This project was all about the 7 habits, which are 7 habits that anyone can use that will help you have success in almost all aspects of your life. For this project I had to read a book called the seven habits of highly effective teens by Sean Covey. This book described and gave examples of each habit. Habit 1-Be proactive, habit 2-begin with the end in mind, habit 3-put first things first, habit 4-think win win, habit 5-seek first to understand then be understood , habit 6-synergize, habit 7- sharpen saw. For a couple months my class and I researched the habits as much as we could and eventually created activities to show the my understanding of the habits. I made creations each showing a couple habits and each a different form of creation, a kinaesthetic, visual, and audio.
My first activity/creation was kinaesthetic. This was for the habits sharpen the saw and think win win. It shows sharpen the saw because doing anything art related is something that rejuvenates me and helps me calm down after a hard day. The art renews me. And it shows think win win by being to very different end products but each is interesting in a different way. The pipe cleaner person is a lot more flimsy and messy but I love it nonetheless. The wire creation is neat and looks a lot nicer and shows that I put a lot of effort in to make it perfect, or close to perfect.
For the second creation I made a photo collage/dream board of how I want to use the habits first things first, seek to understand, and begin with the end in mind. Each section of the collage shows a different habit through photos. The section of the collage called my next represents the begin with the end in mind. The photos are of me and my friends and a photo of doing work, I want to live a life with balance and doing things that I enjoy. The second section called learning is about the seek to understand habit. It represents seek to understand through photos of me in a group of people all talking and learning about each other, and a photo of a piece of art that has a story behind that you have to understand to fully appreciate the art. The last section called finding time represents the habit first things first, it represents this by having a schedule and showing 2 things that I could do if I make the time for it. The photos are hanging out with friends and doing the work that needs to get done.
The last thing I created was a garage band track. The track is meant to represent the habits synergize and be proactive. I chose to do a garage band track for these because the music and the garage band loops all works together in a way that makes the sound more interesting, if the sounds were by themselves it would not sound as interesting as when they are all together. The track shows the habit be proactive because to me the sound is positive and music is something that helps me control how I react or feel. Depending on the song or sound it helps me be positive and negative. A song that I love puts me in a good mood, a song that I don’t like or is upsetting it will put me in a bad mood and make me reactive.
Each of theses creation effectively shows the habits to me and I was very happy with each of them especially the wire people, I loved them and made the neater one into a necklace, hopefully whenever I where it I will be reminded of the habits and use them.
Thank you for reading my post all about the seven habits and how I understood them I hope you liked my creations and that you use the the habits whenever you can. Goodbye for now.