The Manhattan Project🧨

Hello friends, have you ever heard of the atomic bomb? Well, I hope you have because it’s pretty important. I have spent the last couple of weeks learning all I can about the atomic bomb and why it’s significant. I was focusing on the question “How did splitting the atom change the world?” the question may seem like a pretty simple one to answer but it’s harder than you might think so allow me to tell you why. 

We started by learning about the basics of the Manhattan Project, which is the project that made the atomic bomb come to life, we learned as much as we could about the project, the science, the politics, the people, and anything also that we considered relevant. We learned all of this so that we had enough knowledge to be able to “explain it to a 10 year old.” There is a theory that if you know a topic well enough you can explain it to someone who has no idea what you’re talking about. Here’s a simple slide I made explaining the atom bomb

After we learned all that we could in the amount of time we had we had to learn why it was and still id significant. There’s some criteria that we always follow when judging wether something is historically significant or not

Those are some of what we used to explain the significance

Now you may be wondering why are you learning all this stuff? What are you going to do with it? That is a good question, the thing we had to do with all this information was make a speech. When I first heard that we were making a speech I was a little concerned because I am terrified of public speaking, especially in front of my class, but there’s really nothing you can do to avoid it in this situation except get it done. Since we had already learned all we could about the manhattan project and the atomic bomb we had only one thing left to learn, writing and delivering a speech. My teacher gave us a link to speech writing an I read through it as I was writing my speech and I think it really helped mine and I’ll definitely use it as a resource in the future. 

The day of the presentation I grout a printed out version of my speech so that I wouldn’t forget what to say and did my 4 minute speech, terrifying, but I am glad I did it because I do think it really helped my leaning, to be able to speak about the topic myself and present my knowledge. Here is my speech if you want to read a little bit of it. 

Final speech

Well I really hope you enjoyed my first blog post of the school year, See you again soon🧡

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