Am I Ready?

Hello people, welcome to another one of my blog posts. This post is about all my learning throughout the whole school year my tPol (transitional presentation of learning.) I haven’t done one of these since grade 8 so comparing that blog post to this one will be a Jurassic difference. In this tPol I am […]

Habits or Something

Hello people, I have a new blog post for you to read. Along with the other projects I just finished I completed one called believe in good. This project was all about the 7 habits, which are 7 habits that anyone can use that will help you have success in almost all aspects of your […]

North Shore for Shore🌊

Hello people, welcome to yet another blog post! This post is about a new project that I just finished called Shore to the Core. This project was all about the history of Vancouver, Canada specifically North Van/North Shore. Each student in my class had to pick a historically significant topic of interest as long as […]

Goals, Goals, Goals🚍

Hello people, I have another blog post for you. This blog post is about a trip that I did with my class to a place called loon lake. We called this trip a learning advance because it was technically a retreat but you’re not supposed to retreat while learning your supposed to advance. The trip […]

🦠Up Close and Personal🦠

Hello people, since about January I have been working and practicing on a new project called Destination Imagination (DI), DI Is a competition and learning experience for students from elementary to senior levels, and this is my second time taking part in DI. In this project you are to create and present a solution to […]

Know Your Past

Hello people, I am here once again to tell you about a project that I just finished. This project was pretty interesting because of the current events that are happening right now. My class and I have been researching WWII and each making a podcast episode on a specific topic of choice, in the end […]

Did I Learn?

Hello people,  Once again I am here to do my MPOL (mid year presentation of learning.) the last time I did one of these was in grade 8, so a pretty long time ago. If you want to go see my grade 8 MPOL you can find it here. Today I am going to be […]

Ology of Apologies

Hello people,   An apology goes a long way. Every event in history matters to at least one person but until the knowledge of it is spread no one will know what happened or what is true.   Welcome back to my blog, in this post I’m going to tell you about a new project […]

Japanese Canadian Internment

How Everything started— The Night of December 7 On December 7, 1941, Imperial Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. However, it wasn’t only Pearl Harbour that was attacked by Imperial Japan. Indonesia, Guam, Wake Island, Hong Kong and many more ally military bases were all invaded by Imperial Japan and many fell. The Canadian government immediately declared […]