Well, there you have it. Two weeks in the books, both, memorable and packed with important knowledge. If you haven’t already, you can read my previous post to gain some backup knowledge on the 2021 Case For a Nation project. The overall project was led by the driving question: How can understanding nationalism in the past, help us make sense of today? Although, this week specifically was led by the essential question: how did nationalism change British North America in the 1800s.
The first milestone in this weeks process was actually milestone 4 since we already reached milestone three last week. This milestone was all about building knowledge. Living in Canada for most of my life I found that I never really learned the true history of the incredible country that Canada is today. As I reflect, I realize how important this knowledge was towards my worldview and my understanding of everyday life. When I think about how the nationalism impacted Canada’s confederation and all history prior, I find myself with a hanging jaw.
In this milestone we completed the Know Your Story Tab on this weeks film planner. In the tab I recorded all notes, ideas, and the core questions for our final video. We also identified our story structure of our tutorial video, which would be the end product of this case study. I thought that I used Apple Number’s many features to best show my message, and in this case my knowledge of BNA.
Once I knew my story, it was time to move onto the next planning stages of the movie making process. Although I created a very well thought out screenplay, we were only formally assessed on the storyboard of our video. Milestone 5 included three competencies: Designing Texts: Have I used writing and design processes to plan, develop, create, and refine engaging and meaningful texts considering purpose, audience, and message?
Identify Continuity and Change: How are lives and conditions alike over time and how have they changed?
Using Resources / Use Evidence from Various Sources: Have I found diverse sources and evaluated them for their relevance, accuracy, and reliability?
For my storyboard I thought that I showed immense detail in each frame. Although, my estimation of the timing, ended up to be quite wrong.
After an approved storyboard and screenplay, the difficulties of the filming process knocked me over like a rouge wave. Since I spent so much time on the storyboard, I ended up to start a day late on the final milestone. I was very proud of my metaphor for Canadas confederation. A chemistry experiment seemed like it would work, and with the planning I completed in the KYS tab, screenplay, and the storyboard, I thought that filming would come easy… tell that to my 12:00 am self trying to film an engaging video! Although it was difficult, I managed keep my eyes open long enough to capture some useful footage for the editing process.
The next day I went to school with nearly 20 minutes of footage. That evening after school, was the longest editing session that I had faced in my entire PLP experience. By the end I had gotten my video down to a little under 15 mins, but I new that I would need to shorten even more. Another night of revised editing and I had finally got my video down to a satisfactory time. With my video under ten minutes I was ready to hand it in one last time.
Reflecting on the competencies, I realized my understanding of each one had chaned since they were first visited at the beginning of week one. I not only showed unique examples of my work for each one, but each use became stronger. For example, starting of with my, modern day historian in the animatic, to what I thouht to be a clear physical representation of British influence on BNA. I ended up having a lot of trouble tieing this idea with my chemistry experiment. Another example is the empowered learner competency. By the final video, my use of technology to form a well crafted video had improved vividly under the circumstances that I was in. Although my video was very long and at times hard to watch, the lessons I learned in the process should greatly help me going forward. My story and understanding of each case study has also improved from the animatic a week ago. In this video I was almost able to tell an interesting story with my creative idea.
Since milestone 6 was due for Friday morning, we still had all of that afternoon to learn our new case study. As we move further along in the timeline, the birth of some of Canadas darkest years arise. In this case study we are focusing on oppression in Canada and what the culprits believed justified their actions. We had a choice between a side study of Louis Riel and the Métis, or the focus of the Indian Act in Canada. After creating the know Your Story tab once agin, and finding the story of Louis Riel and the Red River Resistance, it was up to us if we wanted to extend our learning and focus on oppression of the first peoples of Canada. That night I went home and researched all I need to know about the second topic provided. Although the subject is tragic, I decided that I wanted to know more about the issue that seen still to this day. I found the story and completed milestone 7 which is the screen play to the explainer video. The explainer video is going to be our end product for this case study. In this milestone I ended up to show a very sufisticated under standing of the designing text competency. I used intricate and powerful wording help tell the story of the case study. For my video I will try to clearly layout continuity since my screenplay could have more clarity around the subject.
I hope that all I had learned has contributed to something that y’all enjoy and it can help you understand some Canadian history! Overall thanks for reading and please make sure you comment any questions on this post. I am eager to learn more and improve even more than I already have.