How do cells and deases interact?


This project taught just how complicated our immune system is compared to what I thought. In this project we were tasked with creating a comic book concerning a cell. In this comic book we had to include scientific vocabulary, an accurate diagram, the cells/bacteria interacting as if human and had to have at least 18 pictures included. This comic books relates to our driving question of how do cells and deases interact because, we had to show in our comic how the specific deases or virus affect the cell inside our body. Overall, this project taught me a great deal about biology of the body in general.

Milestone Two

For milestone two we were tasked with create a wanted poster for a specific deases or virus. This wanted poster had to look like it came from some western movie and had to explain how many people affected per year, how it affects the human body/cell and where it was discovered. The virus I chose was small pox due to how much information was on the the virus. One thing I believe I did pretty well on this milestone was writting a great deal of information that meets the criteria. However, one thing I wished I work on more was making my visuals for the project more neat and organizing the paragraphs on the poster better. Overall, this milestone was a good introduction to how cells work.

Milestone Five

For milestone five I had to create the final comic for the project. For this comic I chose the specific topic of what are the different types of test you can take to see if you you have covid I however, still explained a bit of how covid-19 affect the cell in the body due, to the comic not be able to fully meet the criteria if not. One thing I wished I could of improved with the comic is coming up with a better storyline. My storyline was bland and was only there to have information needed in order to get a good mark. Another thing I should of improved was adding actually colour to comic to make it look nicer and more clean. However, I think I did very good when it came to giving good explanations and scientific vocabulary for my comic. Additionally, I think I really nailed the character design for each character that appeared in my comic. Overall, this was very enjoyable part of the project and I’m glad we were able to work on something that allowed us to be creative.

Core Competencies 

Questioning and predicting: demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest 

I think I have somewhat achieved this competence. I feel that in both of the homework I had to do about diseases or viruses one of the only reasons chose Covid-19 and smallpox was because I thought there would be a great deal of information on either topics. However, when using the vocabulary for my comic I wanted to make sure I understood what word I was using thus, I wouldn’t make a careless mistake in my comic. Overall, I will try to have a greater curiosity or at least try to be motivated to have a better curiosity in later projects.

Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representation, and digital technologies 

I believe I full met this competence. First, I use digital technologies in my project for all of the artwork I made for the comic. I had to use project for all the photos and I believe I worked to my fullest potential and made a lot of fought drafts for each photo so the final copy would look neat and of high quality. I show scientific language in my work by using around 20 scientific phrases sprinkled in my final comic. In general, I think I did everything I could to fully show this competence in my work

Evaluating: Demostrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence

I think I almost achieved this competence. In my comic I was much more focus on meeting the criteria rather than actually having a full understanding of just what I was researching. Many times I had to search up concepts during the project since I forgot a certain fact that I wanted to include. However, I think I knew the basic concept of covid-19 from researching and trying to figure out if I had a basic understanding of covid-19 virus by explaining to my dad, who is a doctor. In general, next time I’m learning a scientific idea I will try extremely hard to have a good understanding of the certain concept.


In general, I learned that disease or viruses have very complex way of infecting our cells which made me realize how complicated our bodies really are. This project probably taught me more about how cells work than any other school project on cell. I believe this is due to how we were free to decide what topic we were going to make a comic about. I hope we can do more project like this in the future.