How might I deconstruct text that shows who I am right now?


What is poetry? Poetry is many, many, many different things and often takes different forms depending on the writer’s worldview. This project I honestly found extremely difficult. This is due to the fact that I haven’t wrote any sort of poetry in years. Before starting this project I was scared of how I was going to be able to write a poem that accurately represents who I am. Overall, this project taught me how to draw out my inner poet within me.

How do I respond individually to language and text?

I had a bit of trouble in this keystone. This mainly because this keystone was mostly about reading your poem to your peers. I had a great deal of trouble with this due to my poems sounding way better in my head then when I say them outbound. Moreover, there has been a few time where I haven’t been able to read my poem or get good feedback due to me and my group being distracted or the environment being too loud. However, in the long rune I think these groups helped me attain a deeper understanding of my poems.

How does language construct the meaning of text?

I think I have somewhat accomplished this keystone. This keystone mostly relates to how can one create consists list of dentitions for the poetry terms making meaning to their poem and write a test concerning poems. I think I did an excellent job at creating a neat poetry list and at least trying to create poems with meaning. However, I think I could of improved on my performance for the poetry test. In general, I think I could of done better at this keystone. 

How might we use text to convey meaning?

I think I did an excellent job at this part of the project. Every poem I was able to complete finish before the due date. Moreover, the text I created to complement my poems involves artwork which I think shows who I am right now just as well as the poem. However, I think I could created a better introduction to myself with the About Me video. I honestly didn’t put much though or effort in my video which made the final result very sloppy. Overall, this keystone was the hardest but the most enjoyable.

Curricular competence:

Comprehend Constructively: reading listening, viewing

What strategies do I use to comprehend text for meaning and impact?

I think I did an amazing job at comprehending text. For many of the group activities I always attempted on theorizing the theme of the poem. Many of the example we went through I payed very close attention to the rhyme scheme and the mood of the poem. Overall, I think I did an fantastic job at the competence  

Creative Effectively: writing, speaking, representing

How do I create effective texts for a variety of purposes and audiences 

I think that I an decent job at this competence however, there is a lot I need to improve. I think a great deal of my poems even though intended to be deep and meaningful came out sloppy. I think this is due to my inexperience and lack of talent in writing descriptive pieces of text. However, I think I did an amazing job at writing from my heart my worldview and my honest opinion for my poems. Overall, this part of the project was a big step in improving my knowledge as a learner.

Poetry Collection




In general, this project taught me how to be poet. I though I never had it in me before this project to actually write poetry but, after weeks of learning and writing poems, I think I’m ready to present one of them in the following days. Even though I think a lot of my poems are rushed and sloppy, I think they generally communicate the message I want to spread. In general, I hope we’re given the same creativity for future PLP project such as this one.