How have I demonstrated growth as a leaner so far this year?

This year has been an interesting experience to me as a learner. Have had many ups, downs and sideways turn to say he least. So many different works that I regret, that I’m proud of or I have completely forgotten and revisiting. Additionally, I believe the answer too this question is very complicated and long. I’m not really sure of the answer currently while I’m writing this post. So let’s take this journey together into my few months of school.

Statement of Learning Intent

“As a learner I want to do the my very best in the year of PLP. By the end of the year I want to fully master having good study habits and giving my all into my work. I want to understand what is a growth mindset especially how does one get a growth mindset in PLP. I want to do this due to my want of being a hard working student and wanting to be someone who is always fully prepared for any project or activity. My method of becoming this type of person will be trying to spend more time on work or on hobbies that having to with learning in the future. Overall, I hope that will be able to push myself to this goal and at least start to become the person I want to be.”-Sabrina

Our teachers one day told us hey, what grade and skill do you want to improve upon this year. This statement is suppose to be what I will be working towards for the end of the year. In the statement I said that I wanted be the best version of myself and become a student who is always hardworking. I was planning on doing this by spending more time working or improving skills. If I were going to do this statement again I would write it so that it would be more honest of what I actually expect myself to do and less vague. Overall, this statement is the groundwork for my learning plan. 

Learning Plan Profiles:

At the very start of the term the teacher made us do profiles of what I wanted to be at for the end of the year. As you can see the skills shown include communicating, creative thinking, personal awareness, collaborating, critical and reflecting thinking, positive personal and cultural identity, social awareness and responsibility. These profiles I chosen as you have probably notice are between profile numbers 3-4. I chose this due to me being at profile two or three for most of theses profile at the very start of the year. Even though I didn’t aim to get better at these profiles or skill, I still think I very much did nonetheless. 


Goals for this subject:

You may be curious of what this image above actually means. At the very start of the term we were tasked with creating a strength, something you want to get better at, a growth, something we want to improve and a support, what type of help we will need in order to get this mark. I will try to summarize each section as quick as possible in order to move fast. For strength I basically said that I wanted to have a deeper understanding of what we were learning. For my growth, I wanted to able to write my ideas in a more clear way. Support I stated that I will need self-confidence in order to improve. Overall, I feel I have both succeeded  and failed at these goals

People and The Environment 

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People and the environment was a very difficult and new project for me. It is probably the project I struggled the most for in humanity’s. This due to that fact we were tasked with sending a formal letter to someone with political power about the environment which I’m not the best at. Moreover, we also did literary assessments during trying to create our letter in order to improve on our analysis and writing skills. 

Even though I failed at this project, there are still some work that I’m very proud of. This mostly seen in my CommonLit assignments. In these assignments we analyzed pieces of work that have to do environments. I think this assignment really helped me improve on getting a deeper understanding of the material I working with.

I think I could defiantly improve on the final product of the project, the letter. In drafts of the letter, my grammar was truly horrendous. I had spelling mistakes scattered all round in my letter. This has taught me to be more careful of grammar mistakes in the future and try to practice writing in order to improve. Overall this project was major in terms of my growth.

Revolutions on Trials

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This project I found extremely interesting but, still challenge me in ways I did not fully expect. This project focused on the questions, how can we, as legal teams, determine the effectiveness of a revolution. We did this by studying Crane Brinton’s revolution diagram, doing a simulation of medieval society which ended with revolution, reading a book about revolution and creating a case for why a historical revolution was effective or ineffective. The end product of this project was to create a case for the revolution you were given to why they were effective or ineffective and present it in a mock trial in front of an audience. I personally, was trying to prove the ineffective on the 1911 Xinhai revolution. Overall, I think this project really pushed me out of my comfort zone.

I think that there are some key aspects of this project that I can certainly say with confidence I did well on. I think I did amazing on my graphic organizer showing the timeline and how the Xinhai revolution caused both society to stay the same and change. However, this was only achievable thanks to our class reading the literature classic, Animal Farm. This story made me really think about the actions that cause a revolt. Overall, this project really got me thinking more deeply and critically. 

I think this project showed some of my weaknesses. These weaknesses include public speaking and not speaking up in group projects. In this project I felt as if I wasn’t contributing as much as I wanted to. Moreover, I felt after the project that I should of tried to take more line for the final prevention. However, I think I have improved upon theses aspects of myself in the next project, Working with Words. Overall, this project taught me a great deal about myself. 

Working with Words

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This project I found very stressful however, was also a very new experience for me. This was mostly due to the main topic being poetry, a type of writing that I had not done in year. This made the question, how might I deconstruct text that show who I am right now, very difficult for me to answer. The final product of this project was an online book that was full of all the different poems we created. In general, this project allowed for me to express myself. 

Even though I don’t think this is my best work there are many things I can shout that I am proud of. I feel as if at the start of the project I honestly had no clue at all on how to wrote poetry. However, near the end I was able to write thirty line of poetry on myself in two days. That I can say was very much an improvement than before. Overall, I hope I can see this type of progress more in PLP

I think this project challenged me quite a lot. During the duration of this project I had a lot of trouble of writing about myself in a way that it was both honest to my emotion and a piece of poetry that people could understand. Additionally, I found myself working late during this project due to poor time management. In order to avoid this in the future, I would try to ask for more help from my friends and try to work more on assignments even if I think I will have time the next day to complete them. Overall, I hope I can do better in the future.

Did I achieve my goals or not?

I think for humanities, I have made progress on my goals but have not yet completed them. This is due to the fast that most of my assignments not going deep enough to for me at least, to say I have a deeper understanding. However, I feel as progress has denfinly been made especially in Working with Words and Trials on Revolution. Overall, I’m very looking forward to how this goal will turn out by the end of the year in subject similar to humanities.


Goals for this subject:

As you have may have guessed I didn’t just make goals for humanities. My scimatics includes my strengths, growth and support which I’ve already explained the meaning of. For my strength, I said I wanted to improve at my math skills. I planned on doing this by working longer on math textbooks and trying to do free online math courses. Next, is growth in which I wanted to both try to get out of my comfort zone and working longer on my science homework. My plan for doing this was attending tutorial time more often. Last but not least support for support I wanted help from my parents since they are both knowledgeable about science. I think these goals were one of the most achievable and turned out much better compared to my humanity’s goals.

Game of Exponents Laws

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This project was my introduction back into the field of science after two months. In this project we were tasked with creating a clear, simple game that had exponents incorporated into it. This game had to be easy to understand and to be done in a group. Overall, this project made me realize what level I was at in term of science 

I think even though I did many things wrong in this project, there is still a lot I can be proud of. This mainly includes my skills at math. I think I showed a very well understanding of the concept of exponents in this project. This can be seen in both of the exponents quizzes we did in which I got around 100% for both. In general, I’m very intrigue to see the future project that would include math.

I think as I might of mentioned before I could work on my team work. Many times during this project I found that I did not contribute as much as my other group members even them I had many chances to do do. Only during the last few days of the project I believe I contributed to the group as much as my teammates. Overall, working with others is a skill I want to improve upon in the future

Correlation vs. Causation 

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Correlation vs. Causation was a very important project for me personally as a learner. I think this was due to it being around the time I first created my learning plan. This project was centred around what is correlation and causation and how they were different. The final product was meant a presentation on a causation without correlation and a causation with correlation. Overall, this project was a big stepping stone in my learning.

I am proud of how I really tried to incorporate the habits I said I was going to get in my learning plan. As stated in my learning plan, I attended tutorial time more often and tried whenever I had free time to look over my presentation. This made it so my prevention was very well written and organized for the day of the prevention. Overall, this project really pushed me to reach my goals that were stated in the learning plan. 

I think this project reminded me of the areas in which I need to improve upon. This was mostly public speaking. During the presentation of the project I kind of freaked out and started to stutter. Additionally, my slides during the presentation had animations which sorted of were messed up since me and my partner didn’t practice with the slides before hand. Overall, the lesson I learned was to be prepared for any mistake that could be made.

Chemistry Story

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Chemistry Story I found very exhausting but, I think taught me on what I can look to improve in the next half of school. The main question of this project was how do the electron arrangement of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of the elements and compounds. The final product of this project was meant to be a five minuets animation video about atoms and ions. Overall, this project challenge me in ways I did not see coming. 

I think in this project I did a fantastic job in this project of having a solid and good understanding of ions and atoms. This can be seen in the many worksheet I completed where I got most of the answer correct. Moreover, I think this project really helped me to improve my creative thinking when making the animation video. Overall, this project even though not my favourite helped me grow a lot.

There is a lot I need improve upon in this project, mainly thought, my final animation video. This video showed me everything I need to work on soon. Due to procrastination I did not get this video done until the day before it was due. This made the final product in the end extremely sloppy. There was a bunch parts that it was hard to hear my voice and even a bit where what I said was false. I will try not to repeat this mistake again by.

Did I achieve my goals or not?

I think I achieve theses goals at during time after we created them however, overtime, I feel as if I have become less committed to my goals. This can be seen with my work getting more messy as the days go by. However, I still do a good job even now of asking my parents for help when I know I need it. In order to complete these goals for math class, I will try to put a timer for how long I should work and start trying to expand my knowledge for both science and math. Overall, just because I failed doesn’t mean I can’t try again.

To achieve this plan, I will:

At the bottom of the first page of my learning plan, I had to write about my plan to achieve these goals I have set for myself. The first is disposition, what I want to become. This person I wanted to become made amazing work, is hardworking and tried their hardest to have a growth mindset. The second is habits, what habits will I get into in order to achieve this goal. The habits that I wanted was to attend tutorial time, spend at least an hour on homework each day and get rid of any distraction such as my phone. The last is system, what type of systems will put into place in order to become the person I wanted to be. This would be by rewarding myself or trying to get my parent’s to help me get rid of any distractions. 

How this plan turned out:

This plan turned out very messily executed. I feel for disposition I have improve on some aspect but stayed the same for others. I think I could work on being more hard working for homework and trying to get the best quality work. However, this month I think I did good job at asking my friend for help and critique. I thinks for habits I have failed that plan. After I created the learning plan I did an amazing job at making sure I would work at least an hour on homework and attend tutorial time. However, as weeks gone by I started doing that less, and less until I finally just stop. I hope by the end of the year I’m able to pick up some good habit. For the last one, systems, I thin I did not the best job but, at the very least a decent one. Through the last couple of months there has been a couple times where asked my parents to take away my phone or asked for them to drive me to the library due to me being less distracted there. Overall, I hope for more progress on this plan as the year goes on.

How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?

After this presentation I think there can be no doubt in your mind that I did show growth as a learner this year. I have learnt so much this year on time management, how to create my best work and how to communicate effectively. This all thanks to the teachers I believe for pushing me to grow in ways I could never foresee. Overall, I have grown so much compared to any year before thanks to my learning plan and my teachers.