
Hello, if you are new to this blog, welcome. This post is specifically for my time in Physical and Health Education 10. It will explain how gym has affected my life and general experiences when dealing with the assignments in gym. 



I had a few goals when starting Physical Education 10. The most important goals for me was becoming a more fit person. This is due to me wanting to change my lifestyle thus, I won’t be out of breath after long walks and will be more accustomed to exercising daily. I believe I met this goal due to how much I walked at least an hour a day most days compared to when exercising was activity I partaken in rarely. For my future goals I plan to focus on continuing to be active after gym is over and being aware of healthy or unhealthy decisions I make. 


I believe that through gym you can develop your strengths. I feel as if one of my strengths are in gym is my commitment to exercising everyday for at least a little bit. I feel that this course has helped me to develop this skill since I did not have it before. This was by setting goals for myself saying I will exercise x amount of hours by the end of the week. Additionally, another strength I have is my attitude of being naturally inquisitive and going into deep research on gym related topics. Overall, I’m thankful for how gym made me develop my strengths. 


The challenge I faced while doing gym was my attitude and skills. My skills due to me being a not very active person and unfit which made it hard for me to get into exercising everyday at the start. I talked this issue by slowly getting in a routine of excerpting for at least 1 to 2 hours a day. My attitude issues stem from me either being able to do a great deal of work on some day but, not be able to do any on others. I am still trying to fix this by taking more breaks and rewarding myself when I do work. Overall, I believe that being able to fight these challenges has made me a more physically fit and determined person. 

Section 2 TRYING


I participated in many actives during the summer. This includes walking, swimming, yoga, cardio, sweeping the deck and lifting objects in order set up for an event. I believe that I did all the activities that I wanted to do for the time being. However, for the future, I would like to try some activities such as group cardio or yoga. Overall, I hope to spread my horizon for the far future in terms of activities. 

Personal Preferences:

The actives I prefer is mainly walking. This is due to how peaceful and calm this activity is and how it often gives me time for reflection. Additionally, I feel as if I prefer doing most of my physical activities solo rather than with other people. This is due to me being more introverted and liking time for myself. Overall, I believe walking has helped me be more fit and reflect on the choices I make. 

Future Activities:

For the future they’re a few activities I would like to try at least once. This includes roller skating due to how cool it seem to me. This isn’t a big goal of mine however, I hope to go roller skating at least once to experience what it is like. Another activity I would like to try in the future is go on a extremely long hike. This is due to me enjoying the scenery that often comes when hiking up a mountain. Overall, I believe these actives will be very fun to try out one day. 

Section 3 CHOICES

Healthy Choices: 

I think a great deal of factors contributes into making healthy choices. Healthy choices are decisions that benefit you general mental and physical well-being. This includes the decision you make in relation to your, relationships, body, what you choose to consume and so much more. A step in order to make healthy decisions is educating yourself on what would be the most healthy decision. This will help you to realize when you are down to road of making bad health decisions and how you should better treat your health. It can also help you know when to seek out helps if your dealing with a toxic/abusive relationship and/or drug or alcohol abuse. Overall, knowing what is the healthy choice will benefit you in the long run.

Section 4 FITNESS

Personal Fitness: 

For personal fitness, I can defiantly say that I have become more fit than how I was before this course. Before, I was extremely unfit and did not at all exercise daily. However, now, I exercise for at least an hour a day due to this course. Moreover, I achieved this level of fitness due to the amount of hours of exercise needed for the course forcing me to become fit. I hope that in the future I can maintain this level of fitness. This due to my level of exercise right now befitting both my mental and physical health. Overall, I hope to maintain my level of fitness for my future. 

Section 5 FACTORS

Physical and Health Education Self Reflection: 

I feel many emotion when thinking about my experience in online Physical and Health Education 10. I would say that I overall, enjoyed the experience even though it was difficult at first. I enjoyed that this course forced me to exercise more and helped me get into shape. This is due to walking positively effecting my mental and physical health. However, I didn’t enjoy how I often had issues paying attention. This is entirely a fault in myself and my attention span. Moreover, even though this course has pushes me to be more active, however, I feel that I will be less active after the course. This is due to having less free time. However, I feel as if I will exercise significantly more than what I used to. Overall, this course has helped me find a way to be physically active and mentally healthy.