Sam Cui’s Secrets

“Cui /Tsui/“



A Day as a Muslim

Hello and welcome to my blog. How are y’all doing? Great! In the past couple of weeks, my class has been learning about different religions. We were separated into different groups and each group was assigned a religion. My group… Continue Reading →

Robots? Droids? Star Wars?

Hello again! Welcome to my blog. Have you seen the new Star Wars movie yet? It’s pretty good. Anyways, in this blog post, I’m going to be telling you about my PLP Star Wars Exhibition! The Exhibition went a lot… Continue Reading →

Growth Mindset

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford     Hi there, welcome to my blog. In Maker, we have been learning about growth and fixed mindsets. So what exactly is a growth… Continue Reading →

The Advertising Project

Hello, Hi, Bonjour, Hola, whatever. Anyways, welcome to my blog! Back on track, through out the first term, our humanity class has been learning about advertising. We learned about the colours, different types of advertisements and different techniques and appeals…. Continue Reading →

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