“Cui /Tsui/“

Category Review

A Journey to Remember (TPol #2)

Hello everyone and welcome back to another very long summary of my learning. That’s right, it’s time for another TPOL. If you don’t know what TPOL is I will explain it to you. TPols are what are called transitional presentation… Continue Reading →

Do Matter Cycles Actually Matter?

Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog post, you’ll be learning about things that matter. Or more specifically, the matter cycle, get it, they matter? Anyways, enough of me messing around, and get straight into the post…. Continue Reading →

Video Reflection

The First Term is almost over. Hello, my name is Sam. Welcome to my blog! Winter break is almost here and this is probably one of the last posts before winter break! This post definitely won’t be an easy one… Continue Reading →


Well, this is the end. The end to everything. The end to Grade 8. The end to all the work in Grade 8………. Hello, this is my second to last blog post. So what is TPOL? It stands for transition… Continue Reading →


Hello, this might be interesting to some of you and might not be interesting to some of you so be prepared. As you can see by my title, it says mPOL. It means mid-term Presentation of Learning. So in this… Continue Reading →

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