
There was once was a boy named Jacob jones he was a smart man and grew up in the wrong places. He oftentimes got into trouble and had to pickpocket to get by. He was great at escapes and had already been caught twenty times but escaped each time. So the police department put their best man on the case a man named Connor O’Leary. Connor decided to pull off a trick. He acted like he wanted to buy one of Jacob’s stolen items and told him to meet him outside an abandoned building. Jacob accepted and was caught right in the act. He went to a high-security prison that said no one could escape. He knew he had to escape so he started to develop a plan. He would trick one of the guards. He told one of the guards if he could help with maintenance and put a maintenance suit on. He then started to collect some of the materials from the maintenance room and managed to make a saw. He cut his way out of the bars and ran for a train. He had a problem the train was in the middle of nowhere so he had to walk miles but couldn’t make it and eventually collapsed onto the floor.

how its started how its going



I think this project is one of the projects that has gotten me thinking the most. We learned so much about medieval and renaissance times. This project really set the path for some really interesting thoughts that occurred to me. I now realize the thousands of different things that affect my worldview every day thanks to this project.  



First meme


This is where we looked at the main idea of the project for the first time, and it was a really nice way to kick of the project. Here we had to create a before and after meme. It had to be something that showed a change in everyone’s life. For my before picture, I found a picture from my first week at PLP. For my after picture, I found a picture from the week before. This showed how much I have learned and matured through being in the Performance Learning Program.



We had to look into some online museums and find some different pieces of art. We had to observe all the different arts and find what is similar and unique to each painting. We then had to plug all of the observations into a mind node document.

Museum exhibit/milestone 1


This was our first milestone and my favourite milestone. Here we had to create a museum similar to the online ones we made a mind node document about with different symbols that connected to me somehow. I put the picture of how it started how it’s going meme into it, a picture

of some food showing my love for cooking and a statue of my cat and goggles showing how I swim and love my cat.  

Building knowledge


Worldview MindNode


This is where we found out what worldview is and how it affects us. We looked at all the different aspects of worldview; Knowledge, Beliefs, Society, Time, Geography, Values and Economics. We then had to write an example of all the different aspects of world view and plug them into a MindNode document.

Collage/Milestone 2 


Here we had to make a collage of memories that had affected our world view. We first had to learn about a story spine and make a story spine with multiple events that changed our worldview. We then had to choose a picture for each of these events and create a collage about it.

Cornell notes


Then we started to research different historical events through an extremely interesting way of taking notes. We had to research different events that occurred in the medieval and renaissance times such as the black death, the crusades, and the Medici Family. We made these notes using the Cornell method which is basically writing a topic on one side of a line and then writing the information about that topic on another side of a line.


The test/milestone 3


Here we were assigned to write a test about one or two historically significant events and connect them to our worldview. I chose the Black death and wrote how it changed the way economics work because of the black death and how they affect my life today. I did okay but I could definitely show how it affected my life today with a lot more detail.


Develop and critique


Milestone 4 


Now we had to write a conclusion and an argument to show our worldview. For the conclusion we had to answer the driving question; “what can we learn from the past, and why does it matter today”. We then had to try to write an argument for a lesson that I learned from history, which I can Apply to my worldview.


The Teams


We were now given teams based on the topic we chose in milestone 3. I chose economics so I was put into the economics group. We were then all given roles. We had one person called the Directly responsible individual or DRI, Two Flexible group members or a Flex, An art and room design, and my job as the writer.


Milestone 5


Here we had to make an extremely interesting art piece art and that would soon be put into the final project. We started by getting into our groups and deciding on different ways we could show our world view aspect. Our group was economics and we chose two main ones. Each group member had to find an art piece that shows or worldview aspect. The one I got was about gaining money through one’s parents. I chose a picture about a newly coronated king and stuck Trudeau’s face over the top of his face. This showed that Trudeau may have become Priminister because his dad was also Priminister. I also had to record an artist’s statement that talked about the painting. 

Present and reflect/The exhibition


Finally, the day we were all waiting for came: The exhibition day. How did we prepare for this you may ask well each one of us had to put our jobs into action. Since I had the writer job, I had to write the guided tour intro. This would basically be the introduction to the guided tour that would display all of our art in a virtual museum. All the writers had to then get together to prepare for the zoom meeting that would be explaining the guided tour. When all the writers got together we had to explain what we did and how we did it.


Core competencies


Questioning and predicting


My class time was used pretty well. I listened in class with the occasional distraction. I think I need to start getting into the habit of putting my phone in my bag without the ringer on to make sure I am not distracted. I think I could also come to school less tired so that I can concentrate on my work better.


Communicating and representing


I think my projects could have used some work. I think I had a lot of trouble finding out how my worldview today is affected by events in the past. I think in the end I figured it out and understand a lot more of my worldview.


Applying and innovating


I think that all of my projects had a lot of thought put into them and definitely helped my group with the project. Since I was the writer I had to do my job by my self and I did a pretty good job at writing the guided tour intro.




In conclusion this project was super fun and I definitely enjoyed it. I’m so happy that we did this because I learned so much. I loved being part of the economics group and the zoom meeting was super fun. I would definitely love to do a project like this again.