The first empire

Ancient Mesopotamia was one of the first civilizations and would soon create the first empire.

Ancient Mesopotamia was situated between the Tigress and Euphrates rivers. It started many of the everyday things we use today such as the wheel, the written language, and sadly, taxes. Ancient Mesopotamia was called Sumer and was made up of many city states some of which are Ur, Uruk, and Akkad. These city states all helped each other and had the same religion.

After different enemy states had a couple of wars, one of the states rose up, the city of Kish ruled by Sargon the Great. The city of Kish defeated its northern neighbour city state Akkad and named it as it’s capital since it was exactly in the spot where the Tigress and Euphrates rivers where the closest. He eventually took over all of Sumeria and ruled for more than a half of century. He established a dynasty that was after his death ruled by his grandson Naran-Sin. After he came to power, Naram-Sin took over the kingdom of Eelam, which is modern-day Iran. He then went up and conquered the civilization of Marrie, modern-day Syria. Sadly, after he died, his dynasty died with him.  

Akkad was unknown and least studied from the Sumerian city states. Many people believe the reason for that was constant rebellion raids and extreme drought. Even though Akkadians are now not alive, their civilization had an impact on building a first world empire, and therefore huge impact on the way history played out.