Growing midset

Hi my name is Samuel and in this blog post I am going to show you I will be going over one of the most recent projects that PLP has taken up the growth mindset challenge. Before I get in to to what I disliked, liked and learned from this project I wanna go over what we learned. We had to take part in lessons that miss Willemse taught us these lessons helped us better understand how to grow our growth mindset. Some of These included learning about learning from failure and always having growth mindset not a fixed mindset. The growth and fixed mindset was probably the main part of what we learning so I want to explain what they are. A growth mindset is basically constantly trying to get better at things a not just giving up because your not good enough. It can also go the other way many people start thinking there’s no more space for them to improve in there mindset and stop improving because of that. A fixed mind set is basically when you stop having a growth mind set you give up and decide there is nothing more for you to learn your not good enough and will never be good enough. If you have a fixed mindset you will never succeed in your life due to your inability to get stronger and better at different subjects.

Now I want to go over what I liked, disliked and learned about this project. First off what I liked, I really liked how real and life changing this project is. By helping me grow a better growth mindset I am now able to get better at not only school but other things in my life like friends, sports and other sort of things. We did many projects where we tried to connect our lives to a growth mindset and even set goals inside of school to get make our worth ethic and grades skyrocket. Now on to what I disliked, there wasn’t really anything that I dislike because this project was generally fun and I learned a lot about a growth mindset. I wouldn’t change anything about this project and would love to learn more about it. Now on to what I learned, I learned a lot from this project including what a growth mindset is, how to learn from failure, how to grow your brain and other such sort of things. Like I said before all of these things connected to the main lesson of this project how can we grow our growth mindset. This project was super fun and I learned so much in my personal life and my school life.

We also made a growth mindset journal. This is basically a summary of everything we did

A new book

and here’s the growth mindset selfie