Ultimate design challenge



Hi, welcome to my blog. Today I am going to go over all of the things that we recently did in Scimatics. In this project we had to design something with a partner on a 3D design app called ‘tinker-cad’. I had so much fun on this project and cannot wait to tell you all about it.


Milestone 1

Milestone 1 was the first part of the project that we had to do. This is where we started to plan out our design for the project. Ou task was basically to get an idea of something that we could make in ‘tinker cad’.


Also, to help get an introduction on the experiment we had to measure the area of one of the walls in the room. This really helped get a better understanding on the Math we would be doing for the rest of the time.

Building knowledge

Surface area and volume notes

After the launch, we had to start getting a better understanding on the math that was involved with this project. So, Mr Gross had us create a document to write notes down on lessons he would teach throughout the class.

Milestone 2

After we had enough understanding of the math, we started to go ahead and make our project. David and I had planned to make a rocket ship. So, I went straight to ‘tinker cad’ and started to make my design.  I finished making the launch system of the rocket, while David made the front.

picture of the space ship

Milestone 3

After that we needed to find out the surface area and volume for each shape of the rocket ship. We had to calculate many shapes including cylinders and something called a parallelepiped. 

Example of the calculations…

Develop and critique

Milestone 4

After all the calculations were done we had to give he model to Mr Hughes so that he could print it out on a 3D printer.

Present and reflect


After that we had to make a presentation explaining our project to class and what we did. We had to put all the calculations and information about our spaceship in the presentation. Me and David split up the work and both designed half of the slide show. The slide show was really good just needed some time to look over.

Core competencies

Applying and innovating:

Basically did I use my class time wisely. I think I did most of the time but sometimes (especially on the math part) I got really distracted. I definitely could improve on this in the future and have definitely improved from last time. 

Reasoning and annualizing:

Basically did I follow all the requirements for this project. I actually think I did well on this one and my 3D object was actually very good and I had 12 3D shapes out of the 10 required my design was optimized for maximum volume and it definitely achieved that. 

Communicating representing:

Basically did I Get all the math done and make a presentation. I struggled paying attention in class for the math part and definitely need to show more interest on that but on the presentation part I think I did pretty good except for one mistake that was caused by miss organization.


I loved this project and found it super interesting. I hope that we get to do something like this in grade nine as this was probably my favourite project this year.

Thank you for reading my blog 

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