Stitching Together Our Quilts!

Our storyboard for our hero.

Our storyboard for our hero.

This is my final draft of my quilt square

This is my final draft of my quilt square


The process of our quilt went something like this:

We started with nothing but a few ideas. Well, we started with those ideas and a basic organizer, to help us get started with the story we were forming. The organizer had places to write the who, what, where, when and why’s of our made up civilization. The name of our civilization is Auxillium, which is Latin for help. We chose that name because the civilization has done a lot of helping to the outside world.

Our civilization’s setting was on a remote island that hasn’t been found. It’s technology is way ahead of the outside world’s, and so it secretly assists them with the tools and ideas they have. For example, they helped with the construction of the pyramids and Rome as well.

The people who live there value family, equality with others and putting themselves before others. They also are more respected if they have served at least one year in the military.

We also had to create a hero and how they became a hero. Our heroes name was Bellator, and he founded the greater Auxillium. My group was good at working together because we all agreed to other ideas, so it made the process quick and strong. Our hero story came together quickly because we were all thinking around the same lines. Our storyboard was described well and we all built up on our ideas to make them better.

Even with our quilt squares we were open to how we needed to improve and giving feedback. All our squares needed only little improvement. We need to communicate a little better to each other because we spent some last minute time matching up our squares when we could have done it earlier. My role in the making of this quilt was to give my ideas, and draw the important second scene of our story.

Overall, I think our group worked well together.

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